A Greyhound of a Girl by Roddy Doyle

Roddy Doyle is a famous author who writes funny and exciting stories for children and adults. He was born in Dublin, Ireland and loves to write about everyday life and adventures. One of his most popular books is called "The Giggler Treatment," which is about mischievous elves who make sure that adults who are mean to children get what they deserve. Roddy Doyle's stories are full of humor, imagination, and important lessons about kindness and friendship. He is a talented writer who brings joy to readers all around the world with his wonderful books.

  1. Who is the author of "The Giggler Treatment"?
  2. Where was Roddy Doyle born?
  3. What are some qualities of Roddy Doyle's stories?
  4. Why do you think Roddy Doyle's stories are popular?
  5. How do Roddy Doyle's stories teach us about kindness and friendship?

A Greyhound of a Girl

A Greyhound of a Girl is a heartwarming story written by Roddy Doyle. It follows the journey of four generations of women in one family. Mary is twelve years old, her mother Scarlett is thirty-six, her grandmother Emer is sixty and her great-grandmother Tansey is ninety. Their lives become intertwined in a magical and touching tale that explores family, love, and the bond that ties generations together. As they navigate through life's challenges and joys, they discover the power of love and legacy.

  1. What are the names of the four generations of women in the story?
  2. How would you describe the bond between the characters in the book?
  3. Can you identify a theme that the author explores in the story?
  4. What do you think Mary learns from her journey in the book?
  5. How does the author convey the importance of family in the story?

Visit to the Birthplace of A Greyhound of a Girl

Hi, my name is Rosie and I'm 8 years old. Today, I want to share with you about my visit to the birthplace of Roddy Doyle! It was super exciting! We went to Dublin, Ireland, which is where Roddy Doyle was born. Dublin is a big city with lots of cool things to see and do.

  1. We visited Roddy Doyle's birthplace, which was a small house in the city.
  2. After that, we went to see the famous Dublin Castle, which was so grand and beautiful!
  1. What city did I visit?
  2. Who is Roddy Doyle?
  3. Describe the birthplace of Roddy Doyle.
  4. What tourist attraction did I see in the same city as Roddy Doyle's birthplace?
  5. What was your favorite part of the visit?

Your Turn!

After reading A Greyhound of a Girl by Roddy Doyle, how about creating your own piece of writing based on the book? Perhaps you may prefer to write a book review of the book instead? Another idea might be to give a summary of the book or create a picture that summarises the book. Perhaps you could redesign the book cover? Whatever you or your teacher decides you try and do, good luck!

Slideshow - A Greyhound of a Girl by Roddy Doyle
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