Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson was a famous author who wrote exciting adventure stories that kids love to read. He wrote the famous book "Treasure Island" about pirates and hidden treasure. Another popular story he wrote is "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" which is a spooky mystery. Stevenson loved to travel and explore new places, which inspired his writing. He also wrote poems and essays. Kids all around the world still enjoy reading his books today. Stevenson's stories are full of imagination, mystery, and excitement, making him a beloved author for children of all ages.

  1. Who is the author of "Treasure Island"?
  2. What are some other stories written by Robert Louis Stevenson?
  3. Why do kids enjoy reading Stevenson's books?
  4. Imagine you are a pirate on a treasure hunt. What would you be looking for?
  5. How do you think Stevenson's love for travel influenced his writing?

Treasure Island

Have you ever dreamed of going on a thrilling pirate adventure? If so, the book Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson is perfect for you! This classic tale follows the young character Jim Hawkins as he embarks on a quest to find buried treasure on a mysterious island. Along the way, he encounters pirates, hidden maps, and treacherous seas.

  1. What is the name of the main character in Treasure Island?
  2. Why does Jim Hawkins set out on a journey to find buried treasure?
  3. Can you describe one of the obstacles Jim faces during his adventure?
  4. Who is Long John Silver and what role does he play in the story?
  5. How does the treasure map lead Jim and his companions to the buried treasure?

Visit to the Birthplace of Treasure Island

Hi, I'm Jessica and I'm 8 years old. I recently visited the birthplace of Robert Louis Stevenson, a famous author. His birthplace is in Edinburgh, Scotland. It was so cool to see where he grew up and got inspiration for his stories.

  1. We also visited the Edinburgh Castle, which is a famous tourist attraction in the same city. It was amazing to see the old castle and learn about its history.
  1. What is the name of the famous author whose birthplace I visited?
  2. Where is the birthplace of Robert Louis Stevenson located?
  3. What is the name of the tourist attraction we visited in Edinburgh?
  4. Can you describe the Edinburgh Castle?
  5. What is the capital city of Scotland?

Your Turn!

After reading Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, how about creating your own piece of writing based on the book? Perhaps you may prefer to write a book review of the book instead? Another idea might be to give a summary of the book or create a picture that summarises the book. Perhaps you could redesign the book cover? Whatever you or your teacher decides you try and do, good luck!

Slideshow - Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
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