Lesson 1 Find out about the song Riverdance - Objective 1
Time Allocation 1 hour
Resources Needed Internet access, projector, speakers, printed copies of a brief history of Riverdance
Introduction Introduce the song Riverdance by playing a short clip. Ask the students if they have heard it before and what they know about it.
Development Discuss the origins of the song, when it was released (1994), and its popularity. Show a timeline of events leading to its release. Distribute printed copies of the brief history of Riverdance.
Conclusion Summarize the key points and ask the students to share one interesting fact they learned about Riverdance.
Assessment Students will write a short paragraph about why Riverdance became so popular.
Lesson 2 Explore Bill Whelan's Contributions - Objective 2
Time Allocation 1 hour
Resources Needed Internet access, projector, printed biographies of Bill Whelan
Introduction Introduce Bill Whelan and ask students if they know any of his other works.
Development Show a short documentary or clips about Bill Whelan's life and work. Discuss his contributions to music and culture, and the impact of Riverdance globally.
Conclusion Review the key points discussed and highlight Bill Whelan's influence on the music industry.
Assessment Students will create a poster showcasing Bill Whelan's contributions to society and culture.
Lesson 3 Learn the Lyrics for Performance - Objective 3
Time Allocation 1 hour
Resources Needed Printed lyrics of Riverdance, audio recording of the song
Introduction Play the song Riverdance and hand out printed copies of the lyrics to each student.
Development Go through the lyrics line by line with the students, ensuring they understand the words and meaning. Practice singing the song together as a group.
Conclusion Recap the lyrics learned and encourage students to practice at home for the next lesson.
Assessment Students will perform the song in small groups to demonstrate their understanding and memorization of the lyrics.
Lesson 4 Design a Timeline of Bill Whelan's Career - Objective 4
Time Allocation 1 hour
Resources Needed Poster boards, markers, printed images and dates of key events in Bill Whelan's career
Introduction Introduce the concept of a timeline and explain its importance in understanding historical events.
Development Provide students with key dates and events in Bill Whelan's career. In groups, students will design a timeline on poster boards, incorporating images and text.
Conclusion Groups will present their timelines to the class, explaining the significance of each event.
Assessment Assessment will be based on the accuracy and creativity of the timelines created by the groups.
Lesson 5 Group Discussion on the Impact of Riverdance - Objective 2
Time Allocation 1 hour
Resources Needed Printed articles on the impact of Riverdance, chart paper, markers
Introduction Briefly review what students have learned about Riverdance and Bill Whelan so far.
Development Divide students into small groups and provide each group with articles on the impact of Riverdance. Each group will read and discuss the article, then present their findings to the class.
Conclusion Summarize the key points discussed and highlight the global influence of Riverdance.
Assessment Students will write a short essay on how Riverdance has influenced culture and society.
Lesson 6 Final Performance and Reflection - Objective 3
Time Allocation 1 hour
Resources Needed Audio recording of Riverdance, stage area for performance
Introduction Introduce the performance session and explain how it will proceed.
Development Print