The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan is a cool author who writes exciting books for kids. He is famous for his series like Percy Jackson and the Olympians, where ordinary kids discover they are actually demigods with special powers. Riordan's stories are full of adventure, humor, and mythology from ancient Greece and Egypt. He loves to include diverse characters and teach readers about different cultures. Kids all around the world love his books because they are fun to read and learn from. Rick Riordan shows that anyone can be a hero, no matter who they are or where they come from.

  1. What is Rick Riordan famous for writing?
  2. What kind of characters does Riordan like to include in his books?
  3. Why do kids all around the world love Rick Riordan's books?
  4. How does Rick Riordan show that anyone can be a hero?
  5. Can you think of a diverse character from one of Rick Riordan's books? What makes them special?

The Lightning Thief

The Lightning Thief is an exciting book written by Rick Riordan. It tells the story of a young boy named Percy Jackson who discovers he is a demigod, the son of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. Percy embarks on a thrilling adventure to find Zeus' stolen lightning bolt to prevent a war among the gods. Along the way, he encounters mythical creatures, battles monsters, and learns more about his own powers.

  1. What is the name of the main character in The Lightning Thief?
  2. Who is Percy Jackson's parent in the book?
  3. What is Percy trying to find in the story?
  4. Can you name one mythical creature Percy encounters on his journey?
  5. What important lesson does Percy learn throughout his adventure?

Visit to the Birthplace of The Lightning Thief

Hi, I'm Vivian, and I'm 8 years old. Today, I want to share with you about my recent adventure to Boston, USA. You know what's cool? Boston is the birthplace of one of my favorite authors, Rick Riordan! How awesome is that?

  1. I visited his birthplace in San Antonio, Texas. It was so exciting to see where he grew up and got inspired to write all those amazing books about gods and heroes.
  2. While in Boston, I also got to visit the famous Freedom Trail, where I learned all about the history of the American Revolution. It was like stepping back in time!
  1. What is the name of the city where Rick Riordan was born?
  2. Can you name a famous tourist attraction in Boston mentioned in the post?
  3. What kind of books does Rick Riordan write?
  4. How old is Vivian?
  5. What did Vivian learn about while visiting the Freedom Trail?

Your Turn!

After reading The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, how about creating your own piece of writing based on the book? Perhaps you may prefer to write a book review of the book instead? Another idea might be to give a summary of the book or create a picture that summarises the book. Perhaps you could redesign the book cover? Whatever you or your teacher decides you try and do, good luck!

Slideshow - The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
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