Welcome to Redcow

Redcow is a small, special place in County Dublin, Ireland. If you were to visit, you might wonder why it's called Redcow. Well, it's not because there are a lot of red cows there! It got its name a long, long time ago.

Once upon a time, this place was just farmland with lots of cows. One of these cows was special - it was red! People began to know the area for this unique red cow, so they started calling it "Redcow." Isn't that a fun story?

Even though Redcow is small, it's full of history. Do you know the big road that runs through Redcow? It's been there for hundreds of years! It used to be an old "coach road," where horse-drawn carriages traveled from Dublin to other parts of Ireland.

Today, Redcow is known for its business parks. But don't forget, it was once farmland with a famous red cow! Next time you pass by, try to imagine what it was like back then. Maybe you'll see the red cow in your mind!

  1. What is special about the name of Redcow?
  2. What was Redcow known for in the past?
  3. What is Redcow known for today?
  4. Why do you think the red cow was considered special?
  5. How do you imagine Redcow looked like hundreds of years ago?

All About Redcow

Redcow is a very special place in County Dublin, Ireland. Imagine it as a small piece in the big, beautiful puzzle of the world. It doesn't have mountains or rivers, but it's got a lot of interesting things that make it unique!

Redcow is known for its important business parks. Imagine a busy beehive, that's what these business parks are like with people working and creating new ideas. It's also near the M50 motorway, a big road that goes all around Dublin.

Although it's a busy place, nature hasn't forgotten about Redcow. You can find gulls and sparrows fluttering around. In the green patches, daisies and dandelions pop out to say hello. Trees like sycamore and ash add a touch of green to the landscape.

You won't find fancy street furniture in Redcow, but the street lamps light the way for everyone at night. Plus, the bus stops are important meeting points for people travelling to different parts of Dublin.

So, you see, every place, even a small one like Redcow, has its own charm and special features. Let's appreciate and take care of them!.

  1. What makes Redcow a special place in County Dublin?
  2. Why are the business parks in Redcow important?
  3. Describe the natural features you can find in Redcow.
  4. Using a map, can you find the M50 motorway that goes around Dublin? How close is it to Redcow?
  5. Explore Redcow in person or using a virtual map. Can you find something of geographical interest that is not mentioned in the text?

My Family and Redcow

Hi! My name is Kaden, and I am 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Redcow, in Co. Dublin. Redcow is famous for the Luas Depot, it's like a big garage for trams! Sometimes, I watch them coming and going, it's super fun!

There's also Clondalkin, a village near my house. It has a really old Round Tower, my teacher told us it is one of the oldest in Ireland. I like to imagine it's a castle tower and I'm a brave knight!

My favourite place is the Corkagh Park Fishery. I go fishing there with my dad. The fishes are so big, and the lake is so pretty. I once saw a swan there, it was so white and beautiful!

My friends and I love to play in the Red Cow Inn garden. It's a big hotel but we only go to the garden. They have really yummy ice cream too!

That's a little bit about me and where I live. I think Redcow is the best place in the whole wide world!

  1. What is Kaden's favourite place and why?
  2. Why does Kaden think the Round Tower in Clondalkin is special?
  3. What is the fun thing Kaden does at the Luas Depot in Redcow?
  4. What does Kaden like to imagine when he sees the old Round Tower?
  5. What does Kaden do at the Corkagh Park Fishery?

The Logainm of Redcow

Redcow is a place in Dublin, Ireland. You might be wondering about the name 'Redcow'. It's an English version of the Irish word 'Bó Dhearg' which means 'Red Cow'. It's believed that the place got its name because of a famous red cow that once lived there.

Many, many years ago, there was a special cow in this area. She was not just any cow, but a magical red cow! This cow was known to give milk to anyone in need. Her milk was so delicious and nourishing that people from far and wide came to see her.

With time, the story of the amazing red cow spread around, and the area began to be called 'Redcow'. Even though the magical red cow is not there anymore, the name 'Redcow' reminds us of her kindness and magic. Today, at Redcow, you will find homes, schools, shops, and lots of people living their daily lives. But the name 'Redcow' keeps the memory of the magical cow alive.

  1. What does 'Redcow' mean in English?
  2. How did Redcow get its name?
  3. What was special about the red cow?
  4. What can you find in Redcow today?
  5. Why is it important to remember the story of the red cow?

Slideshow - Redcow
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Redcow