Welcome to Rathmorgan

Rathmorgan is a little townland tucked away in the beautiful County Mayo, in the west of Ireland. "Townland" is a fun Irish word meaning a small area of land. Rathmogan is so small, you might miss it if you blink, but don't let that fool you! This tiny gem is bursting with history.

Long, long ago, before your grandparents or even their grandparents were born, people lived in Rathmorgan. We know this because there are old ruins and artifacts found there. These are like clues in a giant history detective game!

Did you know that the name 'Rathmorgan' comes from the Irish words 'Ráth Mhorgáin' which means 'Morgan's Fort'? A fort, just like in your favourite adventure stories! This suggests that someone named Morgan once had a big fort there. Isn't that exciting?

Though there aren't any big battles or famous kings tied to Rathmorgan, it's still special. It's a place where people have lived, worked, played, and grown up for hundreds of years. Just like you're doing now!

So, you see, every place, no matter how small, has its own unique story to tell. And that's the story of Rathmorgan, County Mayo.

  1. What does the word "townland" mean?
  2. What are the old ruins and artifacts in Rathmorgan?
  3. What does the name 'Rathmorgan' mean?
  4. Why do you think the townland is named after Morgan's fort?
  5. If you could ask one question to the people who lived in Rathmorgan long ago, what would it be and why?

All About Rathmorgan

Welcome to Rathmorgan, a charming little place in County Mayo, Ireland. It's not a big city, but it's full of exciting things. Imagine taking an adventure through its beautiful green fields, which are perfect for a game of hide-and-seek!

Rathmorgan is surrounded by lovely nature. It's just like a big outdoor classroom! You can find lots of different plants, trees, and flowers here, creating a stunning rainbow of colours throughout the seasons. Don't forget about the wildlife! Keep your eyes open for the friendly animals that call this place home, like rabbits, foxes, and various birds.

In the heart of Rathmorgan, you'll find a little river. It's not as big as the River Shannon, but it's very important for the animals that live here. Who knows, you might even spot a playful otter or a jumping fish!

There aren't any towering mountains around, but the rolling hills are just as fun. They're perfect for a lovely afternoon walk and make excellent places for picnics.

So, while Rathmorgan might seem like a small place, it's bursting with life and fun things to explore. Just like you, every plant, animal, and river has its own story to tell..

  1. What kinds of plants, trees, and flowers can you find in Rathmorgan? List as many as you can.
  2. Why might the small river in Rathmorgan be important for the animals that live there?
  3. Describe the landscape of Rathmorgan. How does it differ from larger cities?
  4. Take a walk around Rathmorgan. Can you find a geographical feature not mentioned in the text? Describe what you found and why it's interesting.
  5. Use a map of Rathmorgan and identify the following: the little river, the green fields, and the rolling hills. What direction is the river flowing? Where are the hills in relation to the fields?

My Family and Rathmorgan

Hi, I'm Vinnie and I'm 8 years old. I live in the beautiful Rathmogan, Co. Mayo. It's a small town but there's lots to see and do here. I absolutely love it!

One of my favourite places to go is the Old Mill. It's really old and big. I like to imagine how people used to work there long ago. They must have been really strong to push all those heavy stones around. Sometimes, I pretend I'm a miller, busy making flour for the town.

Just outside of town, there's a big hill that my friends and I often climb. From the top, you can see all of Rathmogan and the sea in the distance. It's really pretty, especially when the sun sets. We sometimes have picnics there on weekends.

I also like to visit the local museum. It's small but full of interesting stuff. I love learning about the history of our town. They have old photos, maps and even some ancient tools found in the area. It's like stepping back in time.

Living here in Rathmogan is like being in a never-ending adventure. There's always something new to discover. I can't wait to see what I will find next!

  1. What is one thing that Vinnie likes to imagine when visiting the Old Mill?
  2. How does Vinnie feel about living in Rathmogan?
  3. What are some things that Vinnie can see from the top of the hill?
  4. What activities does Vinnie like to do on the hill?
  5. What are some things that Vinnie can learn about in the local museum?

The Logainm of Rathmorgan

Rathmorgan is a special place in County Mayo, Ireland. The name 'Rathmorgan' comes from two Irish words, 'rath' and 'Morgan'. 'Rath' means 'ringfort' in English, which is a circular-shaped fortress that was used long ago for safety. 'Morgan' is a common Irish name. So, 'Rathmorgan' can be translated into English as 'Morgan's ringfort'.

Now, imagine living hundreds of years ago when there were no cars or tall buildings. People would have lived in ringforts like the one in Rathmorgan to keep safe from dangers. The ringfort here might have belonged to someone named Morgan. It's fun to think that long ago, kids like you might have played around this ringfort, don't you think?

Today, Rathmorgan is a peaceful area where people live, work, and play. It's a link between the past and the present. The story of the ringfort is a reminder of how people used to live. Even though we don't live in ringforts anymore, the name 'Rathmorgan' helps us remember our history.

  1. What does the name 'Rathmorgan' mean in English?
  2. What is a 'ringfort'?
  3. Why do you think people lived in ringforts long ago?
  4. Can you imagine what it was like for kids your age to live around a ringfort?
  5. How does the name 'Rathmorgan' connect us to the past?

Slideshow - Rathmorgan
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Rathmorgan