Lesson Number Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Rathmines 60 Minutes Books, Internet, Photos Discuss the history and origin of the name Rathmines. 1. Research the history online. 2. Create a timeline of historical events. 3. Discuss the changes over time. Summarize the key historical events and changes in Rathmines. Review of timeline and discussion participation.
2: Notable Person 60 Minutes Books, Internet Introduce Bram Stoker, an author from nearby Clontarf. 1. Read a passage from Dracula. 2. Discuss Stoker's life and career. 3. Write a short biography. Discuss the impact of Stoker's works on literature and popular culture. Evaluation of biography and discussion participation.
3: Geography 60 Minutes Maps, Photos Discuss the geographical features of Rathmines. 1. Identify key features on a map. 2. Discuss the Swan River. 3. Create a drawing of the river. Discuss the relationship between geographical features and human settlement. Evaluation of drawing and discussion participation.
4: Mapping Skills 60 Minutes Map, Pencils, Ruler Discuss the importance of mapping skills. 1. Identify key landmarks on a map of Rathmines. 2. Draw a map from school to home. 3. Discuss the importance of accurate mapping. Discuss the uses of maps in daily life. Evaluation of map drawing and discussion participation.
5: Biodiversity 60 Minutes Outdoor space, Notebooks, Pens Discuss the concept of biodiversity and its importance. 1. Explore local biodiversity. 2. Discuss threats to local biodiversity. 3. Develop ideas to protect local biodiversity. Discuss the importance of protecting local biodiversity. Evaluation of biodiversity protection ideas and discussion participation.
6: Visual Arts 60 Minutes Art Supplies Discuss how local areas can inspire art. 1. Explore the local area for inspiration. 2. Create a piece of art based on local inspiration. 3. Discuss the created artworks. Discuss how the local area can inspire creativity. Evaluation of artwork and discussion participation.