Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1. History of Rathfarnham 60 minutes Books, Internet access, Projector Begin with a brief overview of Rathfarnham and its historical significance, focusing on the origins of the placename.
  • Discussion on the history of the placename.
  • Children will research and present information about different eras of Rathfarnham history.
  • Screen a short documentary about Rathfarnham.
Summarize the key points and discuss the importance of knowing our history. Assess the children based on their research presentation and participation in discussions.
2. Notable Person: Thomas McDonagh 60 minutes Books, Internet access Introduce the children to Thomas McDonagh, a notable person from Rathfarnham, who was a political activist, poet, playwright, educationalist and one of the leaders of the 1916 Easter Rising.
  • Children will research and present information about Thomas McDonagh.
  • Read some of McDonagh's poems and discuss his role in 1916 Easter Rising.
  • Role play of some key moments in McDonagh's life.
Discuss the contributions of Thomas McDonagh and his impact on Irish society. Assessment based on their presentation, participation in role play and discussion.
3. Geography of Rathfarnham 60 minutes Maps, Internet access Discuss the physical geography of Rathfarnham, including its rivers, mountains and other natural features.
  • Children will research and present information about the geography of the area.
  • Identify the natural features on a map of Rathfarnham.
  • Discuss the importance of these natural features to the area's ecosystem.
Discuss the importance of understanding the geography of our local area. Assess based on their research presentation, map identification skills and participation in discussions.
4. Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, Compasses, Geographical tools Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance in understanding geography.
  • Children will be taught how to use a compass and other geographical tools.
  • Practice mapping skills by drawing a map of Rathfarnham.
  • Create a treasure hunt using their maps.
Discuss the importance of mapping skills in real life scenarios. Assess based on their map drawing, usage of geographical tools and participation in the treasure hunt.
5. Biodiversity of Rathfarnham 60 minutes Internet access, Local flora and fauna guides Discuss the concept of biodiversity and its significance.
  • Children will research and present about the local flora and fauna.
  • Discuss the importance of protecting these species.
  • Create a poster to raise awareness about protecting local biodiversity.
Reiterate the importance of biodiversity and how each one can contribute to its protection. Assess based on their research presentation, discussion participation, and poster creation.
6. Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies Introduce the idea of using local surroundings as inspiration for art.
  • Children will sketch a local landmark or natural feature.
  • Paint their sketch using watercolors or other mediums.
  • Display their artwork and discuss their inspiration behind it.
Discuss the importance of art in expressing ideas and emotions. Assess based on their sketch, painting, and explanation of their artwork.