Welcome to Rathcannon

Rathcannon is a small but special townland located in County Limerick, Ireland. The name Rathcannon comes from two Irish words: 'Rath,' meaning fort, and 'cannon,' which means cannons. So, Rathcannon means 'Fort of the Cannons'. Cool, isn't it?

This townland has a rich history. Long, long ago, people lived in Rathcannon during the Iron Age. They built ringforts, which were like big round houses that helped protect them from enemies. Imagine living in a circular house! That would be fun, wouldn't it?

Despite its name, no cannons have been found in Rathcannon. The name is thought to be a fun play on words rather than a real historical fact.

Rathcannon may not have been the home of a famous king or a big battle, but it's been home to many people over hundreds of years. Each one of them has helped to make Rathcannon what it is today: a small, peaceful area filled with green fields and farms.

Remember that even small places like Rathcannon have their own stories to tell. And who knows? Maybe one day, you'll make history in your own townland just like the people in Rathcannon.

  1. What does the name Rathcannon mean?
  2. What were the ringforts used for during the Iron Age?
  3. What is Rathcannon like today?
  4. Why do you think no cannons were found in Rathcannon despite its name?
  5. If you could make history in your own townland like the people in Rathcannon, what would you do? Why?

All About Rathcannon

Rathcannon is a fun and interesting place in County Limerick, Ireland. It's not a bustling city with tall skyscrapers, but a quiet town surrounded by beautiful green fields. The area is full of nature and wildlife - just like in your storybooks!

The main street in Rathcannon is filled with friendly houses and shops. Here, you can see cool things like old-style lampposts and classic Irish post boxes - they're painted bright green!

What really makes Rathcannon special are its natural features. There aren't any huge mountains, but the land is covered in lovely rolling hills. You can see cows and sheep grazing on these hills, making a peaceful sight to watch.

There is also a small river running through the town, where ducks love to swim and play. If you're lucky, you might even spot a heron standing gracefully by the water!

The area is also home to a variety of plants and trees. You can find beautiful daisies and buttercups in the fields. There are also hawthorn trees and blackthorn bushes, which bloom with pretty flowers in the spring.

Rathcannon, with its friendly streets and beautiful nature, certainly makes a lovely little corner of Ireland!.

  1. What are some of the unique features you would find on the main street in Rathcannon?
  2. Name two types of plants or trees you would find in the fields of Rathcannon.
  3. Can you describe the geographical features of Rathcannon using terms like hills, river, and fields?
  4. Using a map of Rathcannon, can you identify where the small river runs through the town?
  5. Take a trip to Rathcannon, or use online resources, to find something of geographical interest not mentioned in the text. What is it?

My Family and Rathcannon

Hi there, I'm Alex! I'm 8 years old and I live in Rathcannon, Co. Limerick. It's a really cool place to grow up because there's a lot to see and do. Like, there's this big old tower called Grange Stone Circle. It's really old, like older than my granny! My friends and I like to pretend we're ancient people when we play there.

We also have a huge field where we play football. It's right next to the river Deel, which is so big it looks like a long shiny snake when it's sunny! Sometimes, we have picnics by the river and it's lots of fun.

There's also a small forest near our house. It's kind of scary but exciting. We play hide and seek there. But the best part is when we find animals like rabbits and birds. It's like a real-life adventure book!

So that's a little about me and where I live. Rathcannon is the best! I wouldn't want to grow up anywhere else! Bye for now!

  1. What does Alex and their friends pretend to be when they play at the Grange Stone Circle?
  2. Where is the field located where Alex and their friends play football?
  3. What does the river Deel look like to Alex?
  4. What games do Alex and their friends play in the forest?
  5. What kind of animals does Alex find in the forest?

The Logainm of Rathcannon

Rathcannon is a special place in County Limerick, Ireland. The name Rathcannon comes from two different Irish words. 'RĂ¡th' means 'fort' and 'Cannan' is someone's name. So, Rathcannon could mean 'Cannan's fort'. Long ago, people named places after important features or people, and in this case, it might have been a fort belonging to a person named Cannan.

Just imagine, many years ago, Cannan might have been a brave warrior or a wise leader who had a big fort. This fort, perhaps made of earth and wooden stakes, would have been a safe place for people and their animals. Over time, the place came to be known as Rathcannon, reminding us of Cannan and his fort.

Today, Rathcannon is a bustling community. People live, work, and play here. But the name still holds a link to the past, a reminder of the brave Cannan and his fort. So, every time we say Rathcannon, we're sharing a little piece of history, a story that has been remembered for hundreds of years.

  1. What does the name Rathcannon mean in English?
  2. Why do you think places were named after people or important features?
  3. Who do you think Cannan might have been?
  4. What do you think Cannan's fort might have looked like?
  5. How does the name Rathcannon link the past to the present?

Slideshow - Rathcannon
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Rathcannon