Welcome to Rampark

Rampark is a lovely townland in County Louth, Ireland. It's a peaceful place with lots of green fields and pretty houses. But did you know it has an interesting story to tell from history?

Long, long ago, around 3000 years back, people called the Celts came to Ireland. Some of them settled in Rampark! They built homes, farmed the land, and lived happily. The story of the Celts in Rampark is still remembered because of the ancient artifacts, like tools and pottery, found here. These objects tell us about their way of life.

Rampark has also seen many changes over time. Stone cottages were built, roads were laid, and farms were set up. It was always a farming community where people grew crops and raised animals. Even today, many families in Rampark still farm, just like their ancestors did.

So, when you think of Rampark, remember it's not just a townland. It's a place that has been home to people for thousands of years, each leaving their own little mark in its history. And who knows? Maybe one day, you'll make history there too!

  1. What is Rampark?
  2. Who were the first people to settle in Rampark and what did they do?
  3. What are some of the changes that Rampark has seen over time?
  4. Why is Rampark considered more than just a townland?
  5. If you were to make history in Rampark, what would you like to do?

All About Rampark

Rampark, Co. Louth is a magical place in Ireland, filled with exciting things to explore. Imagine a land of rolling hills and green fields, with the beautiful Cooley Mountains in the distance. That's Rampark!

Here, you'll find a host of different plants and animals. Keep an eye out for the playful rabbits hopping in the fields, or the majestic deer roaming the hills. Can you hear the birds singing in the trees? That could be a thrush, a robin, or even a sparrow!

The village is crossed by a sparkling stream known as the Rampart River. It's home to many small fish and is a popular spot for ducks. You might even see a heron standing still in the water, waiting to catch its lunch!

There aren't many notable streets in Rampark, because it's a small village. But the heart of the village is the local school, where you can see the children playing in the yard during break time.

Rampark is a wonderful place filled with natural beauty. From its green fields to its friendly animals, there's always something to see and enjoy!

  1. What kind of animals can you find in Rampark?
  2. Describe the geographical features of Rampark.
  3. What is the name of the river that crosses Rampark? What types of animals can you find in it?
  4. Using a map, can you identify the main features of Rampark such as the river, the school, and the Cooley Mountains?
  5. Plan a visit to Rampark. What geographical features or landmarks would you like to explore? Why?

My Family and Rampark

Hi! I'm Kaden and I'm 8 years old. I live in Rampark, Co. Louth. It's a really cool place! There's a lot of neat things here that I love to explore.

One of my favourite places is the Rampark Shore. My family and I often go there for picnics. When it's low tide, you can see lots of shells, and sometimes even crabs! I like to collect the pretty shells and show them to my friends at school.

Do you like castles? Because we have one right here in Rampark! It's called the Proleek Dolmen, but I call it 'The Giant's Load'. It's really old and it looks like a giant's table. Sometimes, I pretend I'm a knight protecting my castle from dragons.

Speaking of old, there's also the St. Mochta’s House. It's an ancient church and I like to imagine what it was like long ago. I like to draw pictures of it for my art class.

So, that's a little bit about me and where I live. Rampark is really fun and there's always something to see or do. I can't wait to share more about my adventures with you!

  1. What is Kaden's favourite place in Rampark and why?
  2. What does Kaden like to do at Rampark Shore?
  3. What does Kaden imagine when he visits the Proleek Dolmen?
  4. What does Kaden like to draw pictures of?
  5. How does Kaden feel about living in Rampark?

The Logainm of Rampark

Rampark is a special place in County Louth, Ireland. The name "Rampark" comes from two Irish words. "Ram" means "ram" or "male sheep", and "park" means "field". So, Rampark could be called the "Field of the Ram".

Long ago, fields were very important as they were used for farming. This is where people grew food and kept animals like rams. So, the name might tell us that once upon a time, there were lots of rams in Rampark.

Today, Rampark is still a place where people live and go to school. It is full of history and stories from the past. Even though we can't see the rams in the fields like in the old days, the name Rampark reminds us of its interesting past. So, you see, names are not just words. They can tell us about the history of a place and the people who lived there long before us.

  1. What does the name "Rampark" mean in English?
  2. Why do you think the place was called "Rampark"?
  3. What does the name "Rampark" tell us about its past?
  4. How is Rampark today different from the past?
  5. Why are names like "Rampark" important to remember?

Slideshow - Rampark
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Rampark