Welcome to Raheenaclonagh

Raheenaclonagh, a small townland in County Wexford, is a fascinating place with a rich history.

Long ago, before your great-grandparents were even born, Raheenaclonagh was mostly farmland. People planted crops and raised animals, just like some of them still do today. They lived in small, cosy cottages, much simpler than the houses we live in now.

One exciting thing that happened in Raheenaclonagh was the discovery of an ancient ring fort. A ring fort is like a small protected village where people lived hundreds of years ago. Imagine playing hide and seek among the old ruins!

Although Raheenaclonagh might seem like a quiet place now, it was once full of life and stories. People worked hard in the fields, celebrated harvests, and shared tales by the fire.

Even though there are no grand castles or famous battles in Raheenaclonagh's history, the townland's beauty lies in its peaceful fields, ancient ring fort, and the stories of the everyday people who have lived there.

Remember, every place, no matter how small, has its own special story. And Raheenaclonagh's story is all about the people and the land they cherished.

  1. What was Raheenaclonagh mostly used for long ago?
  2. What is a ring fort?
  3. How were the houses in Raheenaclonagh different from the houses we live in now?
  4. What does the story of Raheenaclonagh tell us about the importance of everyday people and their relationship with the land?
  5. Imagine you are living in the time when Raheenaclonagh was full of life and stories. Write a short story about your day.

All About Raheenaclonagh

Welcome to Raheenaclonagh, a tiny gem hidden away in County Wexford, Ireland! It's a place full of amazing things just waiting to be discovered. The area's most famous street is Main Street, a long road filled with colourful shops that locals love to visit. A notable site is The Old School House, a beautiful building that's been standing for over a hundred years! Isn't that cool?

Raheenaclonagh is brimming with nature. Its fields and forests are home to a variety of flora (that's a fancy word for plants!) such as the tall and majestic Irish Oak trees and delicate Bluebells. As for fauna (which means animals), there are so many! You might spot rabbits hopping around in the fields or listen to the sweet chirping of songbirds.

The area is also known for its sparkling rivers, like the River Bann, where you can see swans swimming gracefully. But remember, no mountains here! The land is mostly flat, making it perfect for farming.

And have you noticed the cute wooden benches on the streets? They're perfect for sitting and enjoying a sunny day. These benches, along with the charming lampposts lining the streets, are called street furniture.

Raheenaclonagh is a wonderful place to explore, full of history and nature. So, grab your adventure boots and let's start exploring!

  1. Can you name three types of flora and fauna you might find in Raheenaclonagh?
  2. What is the most famous street in Raheenaclonagh and what can you find there?
  3. Can you draw a simple map of Raheenaclonagh, including Main Street, The Old School House, the River Bann, and the fields and forests?
  4. Why do you think the land in Raheenaclonagh is mostly flat and suitable for farming?
  5. Plan a trip to Raheenaclonagh. Where would you go to discover something of geographical interest? What would you expect to see there?

My Family and Raheenaclonagh

Hi! I'm Casey, and I just turned 8 years old. I live in a really cool place called Raheenaclonagh in Co. Wexford. It's super fun here because there's always something to do. My favorite thing is to visit the old castle ruins. They're really old, like older than my Gran, and I like to pretend I'm a knight protecting the castle from dragons!

There's also a big forest near my house. Sometimes, my friends and I go exploring and make up stories about the creatures who live there. We even saw a deer once! It was really quiet and didn't seem to mind us watching it.

One thing that's special about Raheenaclonagh is the sea. It's not too far from my house and I love going to the beach. The water is really cold, but I like building sandcastles and looking for shells. Once, I found a shell as big as my hand!

I think Raheenaclonagh is the best place to grow up. There's always an adventure waiting, and I can't wait to see what I'll discover next!

  1. What is your favorite thing about living in Raheenaclonagh?
  2. Can you describe what it was like to see a deer in the forest?
  3. How do you feel when you are exploring the castle ruins?
  4. What was the most interesting shell you found on the beach?
  5. Why do you think Raheenaclonagh is the best place to grow up?

The Logainm of Raheenaclonagh

Raheenaclonagh is a special place in County Wexford, Ireland. Its name is a mix of Irish words. 'Rath' means a ringfort, 'ín' is a small place, 'cluain' is a meadow, and 'achadh' is a field. So, Raheenaclonagh can be translated as 'the little ringfort of the meadow field'. Ringforts are circular spaces surrounded by a bank of earth. They were used long, long ago as homes and farmyards.

Many years ago, people would have lived and farmed in the ringfort at Raheenaclonagh. They would have spoken Irish, the language from which the name Raheenaclonagh comes. Nowadays, many people in Ireland speak English, but we still remember our history through Irish place names like Raheenaclonagh.

Today, Raheenaclonagh is a peaceful place where you can imagine how people used to live in the past. When you visit, you might think of the old ringfort, and the people who used to live and farm there. It's a special link between the past and the present, reminding us of our rich Irish history.

  1. What does the name 'Raheenaclonagh' mean in English?
  2. What is a ringfort?
  3. What does the word 'Rath' mean in Irish?
  4. How does the name Raheenaclonagh help us remember Irish history?
  5. How do you imagine life was like for people living in the ringfort at Raheenaclonagh long ago?

Slideshow - Raheenaclonagh
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Raheenaclonagh