Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1. History of Quilty East Quilty Co. Clare 60 mins Books, Internet, Local history resources Introduction to the history of the area, focusing on the logainm of the placename. 1. Research and discuss the origin of the placename. 2. Create a timeline of significant events in the area. 3. Compare the area's history with another area's history. Summary of the history discovered and potential impacts to the area today. Quiz on the history of the area
2. Notable Person 60 mins Books, Internet, Local history resources Introduction to a notable person from the area or nearby. 1. Research the person's life and contributions. 2. Discuss the person's impact on the area. 3. Role-play an interview with the person. Summary of the person's life and contributions. Presentation on the notable person
3. Geography of the Area 60 mins Maps, Internet, Local geography resources Introduction to the natural geography of the area. 1. Discuss and explore the area's rivers, mountains, lakes, beaches, etc. 2. Create a physical model or drawing of the area. 3. Discuss the impact of these features on the area. Summary of the geography of the area and its impact on the local community. Quiz on the geography of the area
4. Mapping Skills 60 mins Maps, Internet, Local geography resources Introduction to mapping skills and the importance of mapping. 1. Identify key landmarks on a map of the area. 2. Draw their own map of the area. 3. Use map symbols to represent different features. Summary of the importance of maps and how to read them. Assessment of their own map and their ability to identify key features
5. Biodiversity 60 mins Internet, Local biodiversity resources Introduction to biodiversity and its importance. 1. Explore the local area for biodiversity. 2. Discuss and brainstorm ideas for protecting the local biodiversity. 3. Create a poster advocating for biodiversity protection in the area. Summary of the importance of biodiversity and their role in protecting it. Presentation of their poster and their understanding of biodiversity
6. Visual Arts 60 mins Art supplies, Local area photos or real life views Introduction to using the local area as a stimulus for creating art. 1. Sketch or paint a scene from the local area. 2. Create a sculpture inspired by the local area. 3. Create a collage using natural materials from the area. Summary of their art piece and what inspired them. Assessment of their art piece and their understanding of the inspiration
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