Welcome to Quilty East

Quilty East is a tiny but special townland in County Clare, Ireland. It's like a small piece in a big jigsaw puzzle that makes up the whole of Ireland.

Long ago, Quilty East was a busy place for fishing. Families would gather by the sea, cast their nets, and catch delicious fish for dinner! Can you imagine doing that every day? It must have been exciting!

You might wonder why it's called 'Quilty East'. Well, 'East' shows that it's on the eastern side of a larger area called Quilty. And the name 'Quilty' is very old, coming from the Irish language. It means 'the woods of the sheltered place'. Perhaps there were lots of trees providing shelter for animals and people.

Even though we don't have big historical events happening here, the people of Quilty East have always lived simple, happy lives. They loved their townland and took great care of it. This is what makes Quilty East special: it's a little place with a big heart!

So, remember, every place, big or small, has its unique story. And Quilty East is a perfect example of how even tiny places can be packed full of history and charm.

  1. What was Quilty East a busy place for long ago?
  2. What does the name 'Quilty' mean in the Irish language?
  3. What makes Quilty East special according to the text?
  4. Why do you think people in Quilty East took great care of their townland?
  5. Can a small place like Quilty East have a unique story? Explain your answer.

All About Quilty East

Quilty East Co. Clare is a magical place in Ireland, with a lot to explore! It's like a treasure map with hidden wonders. There aren't any big, tall mountains here, but the charming landscapes and beautiful coastline are really exciting to see.

One of the cool places is the Seafield Pier; it's a peaceful spot where you can see the sea touching the sky. You might spot some seagulls soaring up high. Another special place is the Mutton Island, a little island in the Atlantic Ocean. It's home to many birds, so birdwatchers love it!

The village has lots of pretty, winding roads, but there aren't any famous streets. You'll find many typical Irish cottages, their white walls and colourful doors are like a cheerful smile to everyone passing by.

Quilty East Co. Clare is close to the River Shannon, the longest river in Ireland. The river is home to playful otters and many fish like salmon.

The area is green and lush, with many plants and flowers. You could spot wild roses, thistles, and even the lucky four-leaf clovers. Don't forget to make a wish if you find one!

Remember, Quilty East Co. Clare is not just a place on the map, it's a place full of stories, adventures, and natural beauty.

  1. What is one of the special places in Quilty East Co. Clare and why is it special?
  2. Describe the typical houses in Quilty East Co. Clare.
  3. What is the longest river in Ireland and what kind of animals could you find there?
  4. Using a map, can you locate Quilty East Co. Clare and the River Shannon? Draw a route you would take to get from one to the other.
  5. Explore the area around Quilty East Co. Clare yourself, either in person or using online tools. What is one geographical feature or place of interest you found and why did it catch your attention?

My Family and Quilty East

Hi, I'm Danny, and I'm 8 years old! I live in a neat place called Quilty East in Co. Clare. Quilty's super cool 'cause it's by the sea and we even have our own pier! My friends and I love to play there, especially during summer.

There's also this huge bell tower in our town called the Bell of Quilty. It's so tall, it looks like it's touching the sky! I heard from my grandpa that it's a memorial for people who were lost at sea. Sometimes, I stare at it and imagine the stories it holds.

Another exciting thing about Quilty is our Spanish Point. We go there for school trips. It's a beach, but it's not just any beach, it’s where a Spanish Armada ship was wrecked long, long ago. I like to search for treasure there, just like a pirate!

Living here in Quilty East is pretty awesome. There's always something new to explore. I'm glad to share my adventures with you. Bye for now!

  1. What is the name of the town where Danny lives?
  2. What are some of the activities Danny enjoys doing at the pier?
  3. What is the Bell of Quilty? What does it symbolize in their town?
  4. What is special about the Spanish Point according to Danny?
  5. Based on Danny's blog, do you think they enjoy living in Quilty East? Why?

The Logainm of Quilty East

Quilty East is a beautiful area in Co. Clare, Ireland. Its name, 'Quilty', comes from the Irish word 'Coillte', which means 'woods'. This suggests that there were once lots of trees here. There's an interesting story behind the English translation of Quilty. Long ago, English speakers who came to Ireland found it hard to pronounce and spell Irish place names, so they changed them into English words that sounded similar. That's how 'Coillte' became 'Quilty'!

Over the years, the landscape of Quilty East has changed. Many of the trees that gave it its name have been replaced by homes, schools, and other buildings. But don't worry, there are still plenty of green spaces where you can enjoy nature. Quilty East is a wonderful example of how places can change over time, while still holding onto parts of their history.

  1. What does the Irish word 'Coillte' mean in English?
  2. Why was the Irish name 'Coillte' changed to 'Quilty'?
  3. What changes have happened in Quilty East over the years?
  4. How does Quilty East hold onto parts of its history?
  5. Can you think of any other place names that might have changed over time?

Slideshow - Quilty East
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Quilty East