All about Queen Lili'uokalani

Queen Lili'uokalani was a brave and kind queen of Hawaii who lived a long time ago. She was born in 1838 and became queen in 1891. Queen Lili'uokalani loved her people and her beautiful islands very much.

When some people wanted to take over Hawaii and make it part of another country, Queen Lili'uokalani tried to protect her kingdom. She wrote music and songs to share her love for Hawaii with others.

Unfortunately, in 1893, some people forced Queen Lili'uokalani to give up her throne. She was put in prison for a short time, but she never gave up hope. Even though she was no longer queen, she continued to care for her people and her land.

Queen Lili'uokalani passed away in 1917, but her memory lives on. She is remembered as a strong and courageous leader who fought for her people and her home until the end. Queen Lili'uokalani's legacy inspires us to stand up for what is right and to always show love and kindness to others.

  1. Why was Queen Lili'uokalani known as a brave queen?
  2. What did Queen Lili'uokalani do to protect her kingdom?
  3. How did some people force Queen Lili'uokalani to give up her throne?
  4. How do you think Queen Lili'uokalani's legacy inspires people today?
  5. If you were in Queen Lili'uokalani's position, what would you have done to protect your kingdom?

A Visit to Hawaii

Hi, I'm Katie and I'm 8 years old! I recently went on an amazing trip to Hawaii with my family. One of the coolest places we visited was the Iolani Palace, which was once the home of Queen Lili'uokalani, the last reigning monarch of Hawaii. It was so fascinating to learn about her and the history of Hawaii.

  1. What is the name of the place I visited in Hawaii?
  2. Who was Queen Lili'uokalani?
  3. Why is Queen Lili'uokalani important in Hawaiian history?
  4. How did visiting the Iolani Palace make me feel?
  5. What was one interesting fact I learned about Queen Lili'uokalani during my visit?

Queen Lili'uokalani Fact Finder

Year Born 
Place Born
Most famous for...
Is there anything named after them?
If deceased, year they died
Fun Fact

Your Turn...

After learning all about Queen Lili'uokalani, your job is to create a timeline of their life. You should add all the important events in their life but you can be inventive and add some interesting things that people might like to read about. You can make it as simply as you like with pen and paper or you can be very inventive and create a 3D diorama or hanging banner. The sky's the limit - go for it!
Slideshow - Queen Lili'uokalani
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