All about Purim


Once upon a time in a faraway land called Persia, there was a kind and brave queen named Esther. Esther was Jewish, but she kept her religion a secret. The king of Persia didn't know that Esther was Jewish.

There was a mean man named Haman who worked for the king. Haman didn't like the Jewish people and wanted to hurt them. He made a plan to get rid of all the Jewish people in Persia.

Esther's cousin Mordecai found out about Haman's plan and told Esther she needed to help save their people. Esther was scared, but she was also brave. She went to the king and told him the truth - that she was Jewish and that Haman was planning something bad.

The king listened to Esther and stopped Haman's plan. The Jewish people were saved, and they celebrated their victory on the holiday of Purim. Every year, Jewish people around the world celebrate Purim by reading the story of Esther, giving gifts to friends, eating special foods like hamantaschen cookies, and dressing up in costumes. It's a happy and fun holiday to remember how Esther saved her people with courage and bravery.

  1. Why did Esther keep her religion a secret from the king?
  2. Who was the mean man that wanted to hurt the Jewish people?
  3. How did Esther help save her people?
  4. Explain why the holiday of Purim is celebrated by Jewish people.
  5. How can we show courage and bravery in our own lives, like Esther?

Symbols and Traditions

Purim is a special holiday celebrated by Jewish people to remember a time when they were saved from harm. The story of Purim comes from the Book of Esther in the Bible. It is a fun and festive holiday that includes traditions like dressing up in costumes, giving gifts to friends and those in need, and eating special foods.

  1. Who is the villain in the Purim story and what is the significance of the hamantaschen cookies?
  2. What is the purpose of using a gragger during the reading of the Megillah?
  3. How is dressing up in costumes a popular tradition of Purim?
  4. How does the act of giving gifts to friends and those in need play a role in Purim celebrations?
  5. Discuss the importance of coming together, remembering history, and celebrating freedom and faith during Purim.

My Family and Purim

Hi, I'm Tommy and I'm 8 years old. Today, I want to share with you how my family celebrates Purim. Purim is a special holiday celebrated by Jewish people to remember a time when they were saved from harm, as told in the Book of Esther in the Bible. It's a really fun and festive holiday with lots of cool traditions!

  1. We make hamantaschen, these yummy three-cornered cookies filled with jam or poppy seeds. They remind us of the bad guy in the Purim story who wore a three-cornered hat.
  2. We use a gragger, a noisemaker, when we read the Megillah, the story of Esther. Whenever we hear the bad guy's name, we shake the gragger to make noise and drown out his name. It's so much fun!
  3. One of my favorite things is dressing up in costumes, just like we do on Halloween. It's such a blast and everyone looks so cool in their costumes!
  4. Purim is a time for Jewish people to come together, remember their history, and celebrate their freedom and faith. It's a really special time for us.

Comparing Purim to another Festival

After learning all about Purim, is there another festival that you celebrate or that you know that is similar in any way? Make a project comparing the similarities and differences between this festival and Purimand think about what symbols and traditions that are part of it. Think about the story of the festival, if it has one, where it is mainly celebrated - whether it is one country or all over the world. You can produce the project using any medium whether it's paper or on a laptop.

Slideshow - Purim
A full set of teaching plans for Purimteaching.