Section 1

Pope Francis spoke out about the terrible situation in Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages during his Christmas message. He expressed his sadness for the victims of a terrible attack and pleaded for their freedom. The Pope also asked for an end to the fighting that has caused many innocent people to suffer and called for help to be provided to those in need. He mentioned that the war between Israel and Hamas has caused a catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with many people forced to leave their homes.

The Pope also called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine through dialogue and support from the international community. He also mentioned other conflicts around the world, such as in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and various countries in Africa. The Pope ended his message by asking people to work together to find solutions to social and political conflicts, poverty, inequality, and migration.

  1. Why did Pope Francis call for an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages?
  2. What did the Pope mention about the war between Israel and Hamas?
  3. Which other conflicts did the Pope mention in his message?
  4. What did the Pope ask people to do at the end of his message?
  5. Why is it important to work together to find solutions to social and political conflicts, poverty, inequality, and migration?

Section 2

My name is Ben and I am 11 years old. I live in a small town called Ballymore in Ireland. Today, I would like to share my thoughts about promoting peace and global understanding. It is something that I believe is very important for everyone, no matter where they come from.

I think promoting peace means being kind to others, no matter if they are different from us. It means treating everyone with respect and trying to understand their point of view. We should always try to solve problems peacefully, without hurting or fighting with each other. When we promote peace, we create a world where everyone can live happily and feel safe.

Global understanding is also crucial because it helps us learn about different cultures and traditions. When we understand and appreciate other cultures, we can build stronger connections with people from all around the world. It is amazing to learn about different languages, foods, and customs. We can celebrate our similarities and embrace our differences, making the world a more harmonious place.

In my school, we have a project called "Friendship Exchange." It allows us to connect with students from other countries through letters and videos. It is so exciting to learn about their daily lives and share our own experiences. I have made friends from places like Japan, Brazil, and South Africa. Even though we are far apart, we can still understand and support each other.

I believe that promoting peace and global understanding starts with each one of us. We can make a difference by being kind to others, listening to different perspectives, and embracing diversity. Together, we can create a world where everyone feels valued and accepted.

  1. Why is promoting peace important?
  2. What does global understanding mean?
  3. What can we do to promote peace?
  4. How does the "Friendship Exchange" project help in promoting global understanding?
  5. How can we create a world where everyone feels valued and accepted?

Section 3

Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the 11 o'clock news. I'm your host, and tonight we have a special report on promoting peace and global understanding.

In today's interconnected world, it's important for us to learn about different cultures and understand each other. This helps to build peace and harmony among nations. Let's take a look at some inspiring stories that highlight these values.

  1. Our first story takes us to a small village in Africa. Students from a local school there have started a pen pal program with kids from a school in Europe. They exchange letters, drawings, and learn about each other's lives. This program has not only helped the children build new friendships but has also broadened their perspectives about the world.

  2. Next, we have an exciting initiative called "Cultural Exchange Fair." Schools from different countries come together to showcase their traditions, music, dance, and food. Students have the chance to try new things and appreciate the diversity of our world. These fairs encourage mutual respect and understanding among young people.

  3. In another heartwarming story, a group of children from various countries organized a charity event to support a children's hospital. They worked together to raise funds, showing that when we unite for a good cause, we can make a positive impact on the lives of others.

  4. Our final story is about a global art project that aims to spread messages of peace. Children from different countries create artwork with themes of love, friendship, and harmony. These beautiful artworks are then shared online and exhibited in galleries worldwide, reminding us of the power of art to bring people together.

Now, it's time for some brain teasers! Can you unscramble the following anagrams related to our news report?

  1. ELPPA



  4. LOVE


Section 4

In 1998, a historic event took place in Ireland that promoted peace and global understanding. It was known as the Good Friday Agreement, or the Belfast Agreement, and it aimed to bring an end to the decades-long conflict between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

The conflict, often referred to as "The Troubles," had caused deep divisions between the Protestant and Catholic communities in Northern Ireland. Thousands of lives had been lost, and the region was plagued by violence and political unrest.

The Good Friday Agreement was the result of years of negotiations and involved political leaders from both sides of the divide, as well as the British and Irish governments. It established a power-sharing government in Northern Ireland, giving both Unionists and Nationalists a say in governance.

One of the most significant aspects of the agreement was its emphasis on promoting peace and reconciliation. It recognized the importance of dialogue and understanding between communities, and it aimed to create a more inclusive and tolerant society in Northern Ireland.

The Good Friday Agreement also addressed issues such as human rights, policing, and justice. It provided a framework for resolving disputes and encouraged cross-community cooperation.

  1. What was the Good Friday Agreement?
  2. What was the main goal of the agreement?
  3. Who were the key participants in the negotiations?
  4. What were some of the key provisions of the agreement?
  5. How did the Good Friday Agreement promote peace and global understanding?