Lesson Objective Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1 Explore the basic geography of the Philippines 45 minutes World map, pictures of the Philippines - Show the world map to the students
- Ask if anyone knows where the Philippines is located
- Introduce the Philippines as an archipelago
- Show pictures of the Philippines and discuss its geography
- Provide a blank map of the Philippines and ask students to label major islands and bodies of water
- Discuss the climate and vegetation in different regions
- Allow students to ask questions and facilitate discussion
- Review key points about the geography of the Philippines
- Recap the importance of geography in understanding a country
- Students' participation during discussion
- Accuracy of labeling the map
Lesson 2 Identify at least 3 facts about the capital city, Manila 45 minutes Pictures of Manila, information cards about Manila - Show pictures of Manila and ask students if they recognize any landmarks
- Introduce Manila as the capital city of the Philippines
- Explain that they will learn interesting facts about Manila
- Provide information cards with facts about Manila
- Ask students to read the cards in pairs or small groups
- Discuss the facts as a whole class and encourage students to share additional information they may know
- Summarize the facts about Manila
- Emphasize the importance of the capital city in a country
- Active participation during discussions
- Ability to recall and share facts about Manila
Lesson 3 Identify 1 famous landmark in the Philippines outside of Manila 45 minutes Pictures of famous landmarks, information cards about landmarks - Show pictures of famous landmarks in the Philippines
- Ask students if they recognize any of them
- Explain that they will learn about a famous landmark outside of Manila
- Provide information cards with facts about famous landmarks
- Ask students to read the cards in pairs or small groups
- Discuss the facts as a whole class and encourage students to share additional information they may know
- Summarize the facts about the famous landmark
- Discuss the importance of preserving and appreciating cultural heritage
- Active participation during discussions
- Ability to recall and share facts about the famous landmark
Lesson 4 Produce a tour guide for a tourist planning on visiting the Philippines 60 minutes Brochures, paper, pencils, markers - Explain that students will create a tour guide for tourists visiting the Philippines
- Discuss the purpose and components of a tour guide
- Divide students into small groups and assign each group a specific region of the Philippines
- Provide resources such as books or websites for research
- Instruct students to create a tour guide that includes information about famous landmarks, activities, food, and culture in their assigned region
- Allow groups to present their tour guides to the class
- Discuss similarities and differences between the regions
- Emphasize the importance of promoting tourism in a country
- Completion and quality of the tour guide
- Presentation skills and ability to effectively communicate information