Welcome to Perrystown

Perrystown is a lovely townland in Dublin, Ireland. The name "Perrystown" comes from the Perry family, who owned a lot of land there long, long ago. This charming place has been around for hundreds of years, even before your great-great-great-grandparents were born!

Although no big historical events happened in Perrystown, it has a quiet and important history all of its own. Over the years, many people have lived and worked in Perrystown, each adding their own little piece to its story. Farmers tilled the fields, children played in the streets, and people built homes, schools, and shops to make Perrystown a lively townland.

In the old days, Perrystown was mainly farmland. Can you imagine fields of green where houses and roads are now? Many years later, it became a bustling suburb of Dublin city, filled with houses, parks, and schools just like where you study!

So, even though Perrystown may not have castles, battles, or famous explorers in its history, it's still a very special place. It's a reminder that everyday life and the people living it are also an important part of history.

  1. Where is Perrystown located?
  2. Who was Perrystown named after?
  3. What was Perrystown mainly used for in the old days?
  4. Why do you think everyday life and the people living it are an important part of history?
  5. How do you think Perrystown might have changed over the years, give two examples?

All About Perrystown

Perrystown is a small but charming place filled with exciting things to discover. One of the most famous streets you can explore is Maple Avenue, where you will find lots of colorful houses and friendly people.

Perrystown is surrounded by beautiful nature. The local park, known as Green Meadow, is a place where you can find many different types of plants and trees, such as tall oak trees and small daisy flowers. If you're quiet and patient, you might even spot a red squirrel or two scurrying among the trees!

In the centre of the town is the Old Clock Tower, a unique piece of street furniture that tells the time for everyone. It's very old and has a big bell that rings every hour.

The town is also blessed with the lovely, winding Bluebell River. It's not very big, but it's very important to Perrystown. Many birds like ducks and swans love to swim in it.

While there aren't any mountains in Perrystown, there's a small hill called Cherry Hill. From the top, you can see the entire town!

Perrystown may be small, but it's full of wonderful sights, sounds, and experiences waiting for you to explore.

  1. What are some of the plants and animals you can find in Green Meadow park?
  2. Why is the Bluebell River important to Perrystown?
  3. Using a map of Perrystown, can you locate the Old Clock Tower and Cherry Hill? Describe their locations in relation to each other.
  4. What can you see from the top of Cherry Hill?
  5. Go out and explore Perrystown or your local area. Can you find a geographical feature (like a river, hill, or park) not mentioned in the text? Describe it.

My Family and Perrystown

Hi! I'm Taylor and I'm 8 years old. I live in a really cool place called Perrystown. It's got lots of fun things to see and do. One of my favourite places is the big park in the middle of town. There's a huge playground with swings and slides, and a big green field where we run and play football. I also like the old stone bridge that crosses over the river. It's really old and sometimes, I like to make up stories about the people who might have crossed it a long time ago.

Another fun thing about Perrystown is the library. It's not just for books, you know. They also have computers and once a week, there's a story time for kids my age. I love when it's my turn to pick the story. There's also a bakery next to the library that makes the best cookies ever. If I'm good, sometimes, my mum lets me have one after we visit the library.

Living in Perrystown is fun. There are always lots of things to do and see. I can't wait to grow up here and have more adventures!

  1. Can you name some places that Taylor likes in Perrystown?
  2. Why does Taylor like the park in Perrystown?
  3. What does Taylor do at the library in Perrystown?
  4. How does Taylor feel about growing up in Perrystown?
  5. What are some of the things that Taylor imagines about the old stone bridge?

The Logainm of Perrystown

Perrystown is a special place in Dublin, Ireland. Its name, 'Perrystown', comes from the English language. 'Perry' is a type of drink made from pears, and 'town' means a small city. So, you could say Perrystown means 'the town of Perry'. But, it's not named after the drink. It's named after a man called Henry Perry who owned a lot of land there long ago. He built many houses for people to live in.

Over time, Perrystown has changed a lot. The houses that Henry Perry built are still there, but now there are also schools, shops, and parks. Many people live and work in Perrystown today. It's a busy and happy place with a lot of history. So, when you hear the name 'Perrystown', remember it's not just about pears, but about a man named Henry Perry and his legacy.

  1. What does the name 'Perrystown' mean in English?
  2. Who was Perrystown named after?
  3. What did Henry Perry do in Perrystown?
  4. What can you find in Perrystown today?
  5. How has Perrystown changed over the years?

Slideshow - Perrystown
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Perrystown