Lesson 1: Learning about Paul Cézanne and The Card Players
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Images of Paul Cézanne's artworks, specifically The Card Players, paper, pencils, coloring materials
Introduction: Introduce Paul Cézanne and show images of his artwork, focusing on The Card Players. Discuss the style and elements of the painting.
Development: Engage students in a discussion about the painting - its colors, composition, and subjects. Encourage them to ask questions and share their thoughts.
Conclusion: Summarize the key points about Paul Cézanne and The Card Players. Assign a small research project for students to learn more about the artist for the next lesson.
Assessment: Students can be assessed on their participation in the discussion and their understanding of the key elements of The Card Players.
Lesson 2: Exploring Paul Cézanne's Art Medium
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Watercolor paints, brushes, paper, images of The Card Players
Introduction: Review what students learned about Paul Cézanne in the previous lesson. Introduce watercolor paints as the medium Cézanne is known for.
Development: Demonstrate watercolor techniques and have students create their own watercolor paintings inspired by The Card Players.
Conclusion: Allow students to share their artwork with the class. Discuss the different interpretations and styles.
Assessment: Assess students based on their use of watercolor techniques and their creativity in interpreting The Card Players.
Lesson 3: Analyzing an Inspired Image
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Images inspired by The Card Players, paper, pencils, coloring materials
Introduction: Show students an original image inspired by The Card Players. Discuss what elements make it reminiscent of Cézanne's style.
Development: Have students analyze the image, identifying colors, shapes, and composition that reflect Cézanne's influence.
Conclusion: Encourage students to share their observations and interpretations. Discuss how artists can draw inspiration from others.
Assessment: Assess students based on their ability to identify elements inspired by Paul Cézanne in the image.
Lesson 4: Creating a Painting Inspired by The Card Players
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Canvas or sturdy paper, acrylic paints, brushes, images of The Card Players
Introduction: Review The Card Players painting and discuss how students can create their own interpretation using acrylic paints.
Development: Guide students through the painting process, encouraging them to experiment with colors and composition.
Conclusion: Provide a gallery walk for students to display their finished paintings. Discuss the different styles and choices made by each artist.
Assessment: Assess students based on their creativity, use of acrylic paints, and ability to interpret The Card Players in their artwork.