Lesson 1: The Story of Ostara | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | | --------------- | ----------------------------- | | 45 minutes | Pictures of Ostara symbols, | | | Story of Ostara handout | | Introduction: | | Welcome the students and introduce the topic of Ostara celebrated in Wiccan. Display pictures of Ostara symbols and explain that they are part of the celebration. | | Development: | | Read the Story of Ostara handout to the class. Discuss the origins and history of Ostara celebrated in Wiccan. Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts. | | Conclusion: | | Summarize the key points of the story and the significance of Ostara celebrated in Wiccan. Emphasize the importance of understanding different cultural celebrations. | | Assessment: | | Ask students to draw a picture representing the story of Ostara. Assess their understanding based on their drawings and class participation. | Lesson 2: Symbols and Traditions of Ostara | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | | --------------- | ----------------------------- | | 60 minutes | Craft materials (colored paper, scissors, glue), | | | List of Ostara symbols | | Introduction: | | Review the symbols of Ostara celebrated in Wiccan from the previous lesson. Introduce new symbols and traditions associated with Ostara. | | Development: | | Have students create their own Ostara symbol craft using the provided materials. Explain the significance of each symbol as they work on their crafts. | | Conclusion: | | Allow students to share their creations with the class. Discuss how symbols and traditions play a role in celebrating Ostara. | | Assessment: | | Evaluate students' crafts based on the symbols they included and their explanations of their choices. Encourage creativity and understanding of the symbols. | Lesson 3: Connecting Ostara to Daily Life | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | | --------------- | ----------------------------- | | 45 minutes | Paper, coloring materials, | | | Worksheet on connecting Ostara to daily life | | Introduction: | | Discuss with students how the concepts of Ostara can be connected to their daily lives. Provide examples of nature and renewal that they can relate to. | | Development: | | Distribute the worksheet on connecting Ostara to daily life. Have students fill in the worksheet with their thoughts and experiences related to Ostara concepts. | | Conclusion: | | Review the completed worksheets as a class. Encourage students to share their connections to Ostara celebrated in Wiccan. | | Assessment: | | Assess students' worksheets based on their ability to make relevant connections between Ostara concepts and their daily lives. Encourage thoughtful responses. | Lesson 4: Exploring Concepts of Ostara | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | | --------------- | ----------------------------- | | 60 minutes | Story of Ostara handout, | | | Drawing materials, | | | List of Ostara concepts | | Introduction: | | Review the story of Ostara celebrated in Wiccan from Lesson 1. Introduce the key concepts associated with Ostara, such as rebirth, fertility, and balance. | | Development: | | Have students illustrate the concepts of Ostara in drawings or sketches. Encourage them to be creative and include symbols discussed in previous lessons. | | Conclusion: | | Allow students to share their drawings with the class. Discuss how each concept relates to the overall celebration of Ostara in Wiccan. | | Assessment: | | Evaluate students' drawings based on their depiction of Ostara concepts and symbols. Encourage them to explain their choices and interpretations. | Lesson 5: Hands-On Ostara Celebration | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | | --------------- | ----------------------------- | | 90 minutes | Craft materials (egg dye, | | | Flowers, ribbons), | | | Worksheet on creating an Ostara celebration | | Introduction: | | Explain to students that they will be participating in a hands-on Ostara celebration activity. Provide a brief overview of the activities they will be doing. | | Development: | | Guide students in dyeing eggs, making flower crowns, and creating ribbons. Encourage them to incorporate the symbols and traditions of Ostara celebrated in Wiccan into their crafts. | | Conclusion: | | Have a mini Ostara celebration in the classroom where students can showcase their crafts and share the significance of each item they made. | | Assessment: | | Evaluate students' participation in the hands-on activities and their ability to incorporate Ostara symbols and traditions into their crafts. Encourage creativity and understanding. | Lesson 6: Reflection on Ostara Celebration | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | | --------------- | ----------------------------- | | 45 minutes | Journals or reflection sheets, | | | Ostara celebration artifacts | | Introduction: | | Have students gather their Ostara celebration artifacts from the previous lesson. Explain that they will be reflecting on their experience and what they learned about Ostara celebrated in Wiccan. | | Development: | | Allow students time to write in their journals or reflection sheets about their thoughts on the Ostara celebration activities, symbols, and traditions. Encourage them to express their feelings and insights. | | Conclusion: | | Invite students to share their reflections with the class if they are comfortable. Discuss any new understandings or connections they made during the Ostara celebration. | | Assessment: | | Assess students' reflections based on their depth of understanding, personal connections, and insights gained from the Ostara celebration activities. Encourage thoughtful and well-expressed reflections. |