All about Ostara


Sure! Here is a child-friendly summary of the story of Ostara celebrated in Wiccan:

Ostara is a special celebration in Wiccan that marks the arrival of spring. It is a time when nature wakes up from its winter sleep and starts to grow again. The story of Ostara is about a magical goddess named Ostara who loved all the animals and plants in the world. One day, she found a wounded bird in the snow and turned it into a rabbit to save its life. The bird-turned-rabbit was so grateful that it laid colorful eggs as a gift to Ostara.

That's why during the Ostara celebration, people decorate eggs and give them as gifts to each other to show love and friendship. They also celebrate by planting seeds in the ground and watching them grow into beautiful flowers and plants. It is a time to be thankful for the new beginnings and the beauty of nature all around us.

So, during Ostara, we can enjoy the flowers blooming, the birds singing, and the warmer days ahead as we welcome spring with open arms and joyful hearts.

  1. What is Ostara?
  2. Who is the magical goddess in the story of Ostara?
  3. Why do people decorate eggs during the Ostara celebration?
  4. How do people celebrate Ostara?
  5. Why is Ostara a time to be thankful?

Symbols and Traditions

Ostara is a special celebration in Wiccan traditions that happens during the spring equinox. During this time, Wiccans honor the balance between light and dark, as the day becomes longer and the night becomes shorter.

One important symbol of Ostara is the egg, which represents new life and growth. Wiccans often decorate eggs and use them in their rituals to welcome the arrival of spring. Another symbol is the hare, which is a sign of fertility and abundance.

During Ostara, Wiccans may also participate in rituals that involve lighting candles to represent the increasing light of the sun. They may also plant seeds or flowers to symbolize new beginnings and growth.

Overall, Ostara is a joyful time for Wiccans to celebrate the renewal of nature and the coming of spring. It is a time to appreciate the beauty of the earth and the changing seasons, and to connect with the natural world around us.

  1. What is the significance of the egg in Ostara celebrations?
  2. How do Wiccans honor the balance between light and dark during Ostara?
  3. Why is the hare considered an important symbol during Ostara?
  4. Discuss the rituals that Wiccans may participate in during Ostara.
  5. Why is Ostara considered a joyful time for Wiccans?

My Family and Ostara

Hi, my name is Aoife and I am 8 years old. Today, I want to share with you about how my family celebrates Ostara, a special celebration in Wiccan traditions that happens during the spring equinox.

  1. What is the significance of the egg in Ostara celebrations?
  2. How do Wiccans honor the balance between light and dark during Ostara?
  3. What does the hare symbolize in Wiccan traditions?
  4. What are some rituals that Wiccans may participate in during Ostara?
  5. Why is Ostara considered a joyful time for Wiccans?

Comparing Ostara to another Festival

After learning all about Ostara, is there another festival that you celebrate or that you know that is similar in any way? Make a project comparing the similarities and differences between this festival and Ostaraand think about what symbols and traditions that are part of it. Think about the story of the festival, if it has one, where it is mainly celebrated - whether it is one country or all over the world. You can produce the project using any medium whether it's paper or on a laptop.

Slideshow - Ostara
A full set of teaching plans for Ostarateaching.