Lesson 1: ```
Time Allocation 1 Hour
Resources Needed History books, internet access for research
Introduction Discussion on the history of Oldcastle, Co. Meath and its name origins.
Development 1. Group discussion on the history of Oldcastle. 2. Research activity on history and the origin of the place name. 3. Presentation of findings to the class.
Conclusion Summary of the history and origin of the name Oldcastle.
Assessment Group presentations and participation in class discussion.
``` Lesson 2: ```
Time Allocation 1 Hour
Resources Needed Books on notable people, internet access for research
Introduction Discussion on notable people from or near Oldcastle, Co. Meath.
Development 1. Group discussion on chosen notable person. 2. Research activity on the notable person's life and achievements. 3. Presentation of findings to the class.
Conclusion Summary of the notable person's life and their contributions to the community.
Assessment Group presentations and participation in class discussion.
``` Lesson 3: ```
Time Allocation 1 Hour
Resources Needed Geography books, maps, internet access
Introduction Discussion on the natural geography of Oldcastle, Co. Meath.
Development 1. Exploration of the natural geography of the area using maps and books. 2. Group discussion on the geographical features of the area. 3. Creation of a model or diagram of the area's geography.
Conclusion Summary of the geography of Oldcastle and its main natural features.
Assessment Creation of geography models and participation in class discussion.
``` Lesson 4: ```
Time Allocation 1 Hour
Resources Needed Maps of Oldcastle, markers, rulers
Introduction Introduction to mapping skills and importance of maps.
Development 1. Practice reading and interpreting maps of Oldcastle. 2. Mapping exercise creating their own map of Oldcastle. 3. Presentation of their maps to the class.
Conclusion Summary of the importance of maps and how to read them.
Assessment Creation of their own maps and participation in class discussion.
``` Lesson 5: ```
Time Allocation 1 Hour
Resources Needed Books on biodiversity, notepads, pencils
Introduction Discussion on biodiversity and why it is important to protect it.
Development 1. Exploration of the local area for signs of biodiversity. 2. Discussion on how to protect the biodiversity of the area. 3. Creation of a plan to help protect the biodiversity of Oldcastle.
Conclusion Summary of the importance of biodiversity and how we can help protect it.
Assessment Creation of biodiversity protection plans and participation in discussion.
``` Lesson 6: ```
Time Allocation 1 Hour
Resources Needed Art supplies of various mediums
Introduction Discussion on how the local area can inspire art.
Development 1. Exploration of the local area for artistic inspiration. 2. Creation of artwork inspired by the local area. 3. Presentation of their artwork to the class.
Conclusion Summary of how the local area can inspire creativity and art.
Assessment Creation of artwork and participation in class discussion.