Welcome to Oldcastle

Oldcastle is a fascinating townland in County Meath, Ireland. Can you believe it's been there for hundreds of years? It's like a grandpa townland!

Long, long ago, around the 18th century, it was a busy market town. Just imagine, people from all around would come to buy and sell things like food, clothes, and even animals! It would be bustling with excitement.

But Oldcastle is most famous for its ancient stone castle. This is how the townland got its name! The castle was built by the Naper family, who were very important people back in the day. Sadly, the castle isn't there anymore, but wouldn't it be cool to have seen it in all its glory?

Even though the castle is gone, Oldcastle still has many historical buildings that remind us of the past. For example, there's St. Bridget's Church which was built in the 19th century!

So, even if Oldcastle seems like just a small townland, it has a huge history. It's like a storybook, filled with tales of markets, castles, and ancient families. Next time you visit, remember that you're stepping into a piece of Ireland's past!

  1. What was Oldcastle like in the 18th century?
  2. Who built the castle in Oldcastle and why is it famous?
  3. What is one historical building that still exists in Oldcastle today?
  4. If you could travel back in time, what would you like to see most in Oldcastle and why?
  5. Why do you think it's important to remember and learn about the history of places like Oldcastle?

All About Oldcastle

Oldcastle is a wonderful little town in County Meath, Ireland. It is nestled in a beautiful part of the country with lots of green fields and peaceful landscapes. One of the most exciting places in Oldcastle is the Cavan Road, a long street that leads you straight into the heart of the town. The Market Square is another vibrant spot where you can find people selling all sorts of things, from fresh fruits to colorful clothes!

Oldcastle is rich in biodiversity, home to many different types of plants and animals. You can spot cows grazing in the fields, and if you're lucky, even a fox or a rabbit! The trees are filled with birds, each singing their unique tunes. Another geographical feature of Oldcastle is the River Inny, which flows gently through the town. There aren't any mountains in Oldcastle, but the town is surrounded by many beautiful hills. As you walk around, you'll see lots of interesting things like old-fashioned lampposts and benches where you can sit and enjoy the view. Oldcastle is a magical place filled with nature and history!

  1. What are some unique geographical features of Oldcastle?
  2. Which animals might you see in the fields around Oldcastle?
  3. Using a map, can you find the Cavan Road and the Market Square in Oldcastle? Describe their locations in relation to each other.
  4. How does the River Inny contribute to the geography and lifestyle of Oldcastle?
  5. Explore the area around Oldcastle for yourself. Can you find something of geographical interest that wasn't mentioned in the article? Describe what you find.

My Family and Oldcastle

Hi! I'm Indy, and I'm eight years old. My home is in a cool place called Oldcastle in Co. Meath. It's really fun growing up here!

One of my favourite places is the Loughcrew Cairns. They're super old stone structures that look like little hills. I like to imagine they're giant molehills. It's a bit of a climb to get to them, but when you're at the top, you can see for miles and miles!

Another great place is the Oldcastle Agricultural Show. There are so many animals, and if you're lucky, you might even get to pet some of them. I once fed a lamb and it was so soft!

I also like walking along the old railway line. Trains don't run here anymore, but you can still see the old tracks and the big iron bridge. It's like stepping back in time.

There's so much to do in Oldcastle, but what I love most is just being outside, exploring with my friends. I can't wait to see more of what Oldcastle has to offer as I grow up!

  1. Why does Indy like the Loughcrew Cairns?
  2. What is one thing Indy did at the Oldcastle Agricultural Show?
  3. What can you see when you walk along the old railway line?
  4. What is Indy's favourite thing about living in Oldcastle?
  5. What does Indy look forward to as they grow up?

The Logainm of Oldcastle

Oldcastle is a wonderful town in County Meath, Ireland. The Irish name for Oldcastle is "An Seanchaisleán," which means "The Old Castle" in English. This name came from a large castle that was once here, long, long ago. The castle was built by the Plunkett family, who were very important people in Ireland's history. One famous member of this family was Saint Oliver Plunkett, who was a brave and kind man. He was the last Archbishop of Armagh and was executed in England. His memory is still alive today, and he is remembered as a hero.

Today, Oldcastle is known for its beautiful scenery and lovely people. It's a place where people enjoy living, working, and visiting. Even though the old castle isn't here anymore, the name Oldcastle reminds us of the rich history and the brave people like Saint Oliver Plunkett who lived here. The name Oldcastle is a bridge between the past and the present, connecting the history of the old castle and the Plunkett family with the vibrant town that stands today.

  1. What does the Irish name for Oldcastle, "An Seanchaisleán," mean in English?
  2. Who built the old castle in Oldcastle?
  3. Who was Saint Oliver Plunkett and why is he important in the history of Oldcastle?
  4. What does the name Oldcastle remind us of?
  5. How does the name Oldcastle connect the past with the present?

Slideshow - Oldcastle
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Oldcastle