Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Old Pallas Co. Limerick 60 minutes Books, Internet access, Map of Limerick Introduce the history and origin of Old Pallas Co. Limerick. Explore the placename's logainm, Discuss its evolution and importance. Activity options: 1. Research project on the history of Old Pallas. 2. Create a timeline of key events. 3. Write a short story set in historic Old Pallas. Summarize the importance of understanding the history and heritage of our local areas. Assess based on participation, comprehension, and completion of chosen activity.
2: Notable Person from the Area 60 minutes Books, Internet access Introduce a notable person from or near the area. Discuss their life, achievements, and impact on the area. Activity options: 1. Write a biography of the person. 2. Create a poster showcasing their achievements. 3. Role-play an interview with the person. Discuss the importance of local figures and their contributions. Assess based on participation, comprehension, and completion of chosen activity.
3: Geography of the Area 60 minutes Map of the area, Internet access Introduce the geographical features of Old Pallas Co. Limerick. Investigate rivers, mountains, lakes, and other natural features. Activity options: 1. Draw a map of the area highlighting key features. 2. Research how these features have shaped life in Old Pallas. 3. Create a presentation on one specific feature. Summarize the importance of understanding our local geography. Assess based on participation, comprehension, and completion of chosen activity.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Map of the area, Ruler, Pencil Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance. Teach basic mapping skills and let children map the area. Activity options: 1. Draw a map of their route to school. 2. Map the classroom or school grounds. 3. Create a treasure map of the area. Discuss how mapping skills are useful in everyday life. Assess based on participation, comprehension, and completion of chosen activity.
5: Biodiversity of the Area 60 minutes Books, Internet access, Outdoor gear for field exploration Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance. Explore the local area for signs of biodiversity and discuss ways to protect it. Activity options: 1. Create a poster about local biodiversity. 2. Develop a plan to protect a local species. 3. Write a report on their field exploration. Discuss the importance of protecting local biodiversity. Assess based on participation, comprehension, and completion of chosen activity.
6: Visual Arts Lesson 60 minutes Art supplies, Pictures of the local area Introduce the local area as a stimulus for creating art. Let children create their own artwork based on the local area. Activity options: 1. Draw or paint a landscape of the area. 2. Create a collage using photos of the area. 3. Sculpt a notable feature of the area. Discuss how the local area can inspire creativity and art. Assess based on creativity, effort, and completion of artwork.