Welcome to Old Pallas

Old Pallas is a lovely little townland in the county of Limerick, Ireland. It's full of rich history that can take us on an exciting journey back in time!

Long, long ago, before your grandparents or even their grandparents were born, Old Pallas was a bustling place full of activity. It was home to farmers who grew crops and raised animals. They lived in small, thatched cottages, which were houses made with straw roofs!

One of the most exciting things that happened in Old Pallas was the discovery of an old castle! Named Pallas Castle, it was built in the 15th century, that's over 500 years ago! Can you imagine a time with knights and castles?

Despite being in ruins now, the castle tells us a lot about how people lived back then. This is because, in the old days, castles were not just homes for kings and queens, but also places where local people could go for protection when times were tough.

Even today, Old Pallas is a place where the past and the present come together. The people who live there now are part of a long, fascinating story that started hundreds of years ago. Isn't that amazing?

  1. What was one of the most exciting things that happened in Old Pallas?
  2. What were the houses in Old Pallas made of?
  3. Who used to live in the castles in the old days?
  4. Why do you think it was important for people to have a place to go for protection in the old days?
  5. How does the history of Old Pallas influence the people who live there now?

All About Old Pallas

In the heart of Ireland, nestled in the beautiful County Limerick, you'll find a cozy little place called Old Pallas. This charming village, surrounded by lush, green fields and picturesque landscapes, offers a unique experience of the Irish countryside.

The River Pallas, an undulating stream that weaves its way around the village, is among Old Pallas' most striking geographical features. With its lively ecosystem, it is home to otters, trout, and other creatures. The lush, rolling hills that surround Old Pallas aren't exactly mountains, but they offer an ideal locale for outdoor activities. The fertile soil nurtures a diverse plant life, and you might encounter wild rabbits hopping through the fields during a walk.

The village landscape is dotted with a few notable structures, such as a lovely old church that is cherished by the locals. Even the street furniture in Old Pallas, such as the pretty benches, adds to the overall charm of this place. Old Pallas beckons you to visit and explore its geographical wonders.

  1. What kind of creatures can you find in the River Pallas in Old Pallas?
  2. Describe the physical geography of Old Pallas. What makes it unique?
  3. Using a map of County Limerick, can you locate Old Pallas? What major landmarks or features can you identify near it?
  4. Take a trip to Old Pallas or research online. Can you discover a geographical feature not mentioned in the text?
  5. How does the fertile soil of Old Pallas contribute to the local ecosystem?

My Family and Old Pallas

Hi, I'm Sam, I'm 8 years old and I live in the coolest place ever, Old Pallas in Limerick. My town is small but it's full of wonders. My favourite thing about it is our community garden. It's where everybody plants flowers and vegetables. I like to dig in the dirt and water the plants. It's fun to watch them grow just like me. I bet my sunflowers will be taller than me soon!

Then there's the Old Pallas Countryside. It's full of green fields where I love to run and play. Sometimes, I see cows and sheep there. I like to pretend that I'm a shepherd guiding them home. When I'm tired, I lay on the grass and watch the clouds. I bet you can't guess what I saw in the clouds yesterday… A dragon!

There's also a big forest nearby. I like to explore it with my friends. We're always on the lookout for fairies and leprechauns. If we're lucky, maybe we'll find a pot of gold one day. Old Pallas might be small but it's my own little piece of paradise. I can't wait to grow up here and have more adventures.

  1. Can you name three things that Sam likes about living in Old Pallas?
  2. Why does Sam enjoy the community garden?
  3. What does Sam like to do in the Old Pallas Countryside?
  4. What does Sam and his friends look for in the forest?
  5. How does Sam feel about growing up in Old Pallas?

The Logainm of Old Pallas

Old Pallas is a small village in County Limerick, Ireland. Its name comes from the Irish word "Pailís", which means 'palisade' or 'fence made from stakes'. This could mean that the area once had a fence or palisade for protection.

There's a story that says around 400 years ago, there was a big fight in Old Pallas. A brave man called Redmond O'Hurley defended the village against invaders. He and his men might have used the palisade to keep the village safe. Today, we can remember his bravery every time we say the name 'Old Pallas'.

Nowadays, there's no palisade in Old Pallas. But the name still reminds us of its history and the brave people who used to live there. It's great to know the story behind the name; it makes the village even more special!

  1. What does 'Pailís' mean in English?
  2. Why do you think they called the village 'Old Pallas'?
  3. Who is Redmond O'Hurley and what did he do?
  4. Why is it important to remember the history of a place's name?
  5. How does the story of Old Pallas link to the village today?

Slideshow - Old Pallas
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Old Pallas