Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4
Objective: The child should explore the basic geography of Norway.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: World map, pictures or posters of Norwegian landscapes, colored pencils or markers
Introduction: Show the world map and point out Norway. Discuss its location and neighboring countries. Show pictures or posters of Norwegian landscapes and ask students to describe what they see.
Development: Provide basic information about Norway's geography, such as its mountains, fjords, and coastline. Discuss the climate and wildlife. Encourage students to ask questions and share their thoughts.
Conclusion: Summarize the main points about Norway's geography. Ask students to draw and color their own picture of a Norwegian landscape.
Assessment: Review students' drawings to see if they accurately depict the basic geography of Norway.
Objective: The child should identify at least 3 facts about the capital city Oslo.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures or posters of Oslo, information sheets about Oslo, paper, and pencils
Introduction: Show pictures or posters of Oslo and ask students if they know the name of the city. Discuss its significance as the capital of Norway.
Development: Provide information sheets about Oslo and ask students to read them individually or in pairs. Instruct them to write down at least 3 interesting facts they learned about the city.
Conclusion: Have students share their facts about Oslo with the class. Discuss the importance of Oslo as the capital and any interesting details they discovered.
Assessment: Observe students' participation in the discussion and review their written facts about Oslo to ensure they have identified at least 3 accurate pieces of information.
Objective: The child should identify 1 famous landmark in Norway outside of Oslo.
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures or posters of Norwegian landmarks, information sheets about Norwegian landmarks, paper, and pencils
Introduction: Show pictures or posters of Norwegian landmarks and ask students if they recognize any of them. Discuss the concept of landmarks and their significance.
Development: Provide information sheets about Norwegian landmarks and ask students to read them individually or in pairs. Instruct them to choose one landmark located outside of Oslo and write down its name and one interesting fact about it.
Conclusion: Have students share the landmark they chose and the interesting fact they learned about it. Discuss the significance of landmarks in promoting tourism and cultural identity.
Assessment: Observe students' participation in the discussion and review their written facts about the chosen landmarks to ensure accuracy.
Objective: The child should be enabled to produce a tour guide for a tourist planning on visiting Norway.
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Information sheets about Norway, travel brochures or magazines, paper, pencils, colored pencils or markers
Introduction: Discuss the concept of a tour guide and its purpose. Ask students what information they think would be important for a tourist visiting Norway.
Development: Provide information sheets about Norway and travel brochures or magazines as references. Instruct students to create a tour guide for a tourist planning on visiting Norway. They should include information about popular attractions, activities, cuisine, and cultural highlights. Encourage creativity and the use of visuals.
Conclusion: Allow students to share their tour guides with the class. Discuss the different attractions and highlights they included and why they chose them.
Assessment: Review students' tour guides to assess their understanding of the key aspects of Norway and their ability to present the information in an organized and engaging manner.