Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
History of Nobber Co. Meath 40 Minutes Internet, Books on local history, Map of Nobber Introduce students to the history of Nobber, focusing on the origin of its name.
  • Activity 1: Discuss the historical significance of the name "Nobber".
  • Activity 2: Draw a timeline of important events in Nobber's history.
  • Activity 3: Write a short story about a historical event in Nobber.
Summarize the key points learned and the importance of understanding local history. Assess students' understanding through their participation in class discussions and the quality of their timelines and stories.
Notable Person: Turlough O'Carolan 40 Minutes Internet, Books on Turlough O'Carolan, Music samples Introduce students to Turlough O'Carolan, the famous blind harpist from Nobber.
  • Activity 1: Discuss his life and contribution to Irish music.
  • Activity 2: Listen to samples of O'Carolan's music and discuss.
  • Activity 3: Draw a picture of O'Carolan's life or write a short poem inspired by his music.
Summarize the key points learned and the impact of O'Carolan's music on Irish culture. Assess students' understanding through their participation in class discussions and the quality of their drawings or poems.
Natural Geography of Nobber 40 Minutes Internet, Map of Nobber, Photos of local geography Introduce students to the physical geography of Nobber, including the River Dee.
  • Activity 1: Discuss the various geographical features of Nobber.
  • Activity 2: Draw or label a map of Nobber, highlighting its geographical features.
  • Activity 3: Write a short paragraph about the importance of one of these features.
Summarize the key points learned and the importance of understanding our physical environment. Assess students' understanding through their participation in class discussions and the quality of their maps and paragraphs.
Mapping Skills of Nobber 40 Minutes Map of Nobber, Coloured pens Introduce students to basic mapping skills using Nobber as an example.
  • Activity 1: Discuss basic map symbols and their meanings.
  • Activity 2: Draw a simple map of Nobber using appropriate symbols.
  • Activity 3: Use the map to give directions from one location in Nobber to another.
Summarize the key points learned and the importance of map reading skills. Assess students' understanding through their participation in class discussions and the quality of their maps and directions.
Biodiversity in Nobber 40 Minutes Internet, Books on local biodiversity, Photos of local flora and fauna Introduce students to the concept of biodiversity and its importance in Nobber.
  • Activity 1: Discuss the different types of plants and animals found in Nobber.
  • Activity 2: Draw or stick pictures of these species in a biodiversity scrapbook.
  • Activity 3: Brainstorm ways to protect the biodiversity of Nobber.
Summarize the key points learned and the importance of protecting biodiversity. Assess students' understanding through their participation in class discussions and the quality of their scrapbooks and ideas for protection.
Visual Arts Inspired by Nobber 60 Minutes Art supplies (paper, paint, brushes, pencils, etc) Introduce students to the concept of using local environment as inspiration for art.
  • Activity 1: Discuss how Nobber's scenery can inspire art.
  • Activity 2: Create a piece of art inspired by Nobber using any medium.
  • Activity 3: Share and discuss their artwork with the class.
Summarize the key points learned and the importance of expressing personal views through art. Assess students' understanding through their participation in class discussions and the creativity and effort put into their artwork.