Welcome to Nobber

Nobber is a lovely small town in County Meath, Ireland. The name 'Nobber' comes from an Irish word 'an Obair', which means 'the work' and it refers to an ancient meeting place. Isn't it cool that places have meanings behind their names?

A long, long time ago, around 2000 years back, there were people called the Celts living in Nobber. They were great musicians and artists. They also left behind some amazing ancient structures called ringforts which we can still see today!

In Nobber, a very famous Irish musician named Turlough O'Carolan was born in 1670. He was a blind harpist and composed many beautiful tunes. Imagine making music without being able to see!

Nobber had a railway station once upon a time, but it closed in 1947. Now, it's a peaceful place with beautiful landscapes, farms, and friendly people.

Remember, every place, even a small town like Nobber, has its unique story, and history is all around us, even in the places we might least expect.

  1. What does the name 'Nobber' mean?
  2. Who were the Celts and what were they known for?
  3. Who was Turlough O'Carolan and what was special about him?
  4. What significant change happened in Nobber in 1947?
  5. Why do you think it's important to know the history of a place like Nobber?

All About Nobber

Nobber is a lovely village in County Meath, Ireland. It's like a tiny dot on the map but holds a whole world of beauty! The village's Main Street is the heart of Nobber. It's where people meet, shop, and have fun. There's a special place called the 'Almshouses', old but charming homes built long ago. Nobber is not just streets and houses though. It's surrounded by lush green fields where cows and sheep love to graze. You'll also see lots of pretty flowers and trees, like the majestic oak and delicate bluebell. Did you know Nobber is home to a cool creature called the 'Natterer's bat'? It's a tiny bat, but don't worry, it only comes out at night to eat insects! There's no mountain in Nobber, but the River Dee flows gently through, bringing life to the plants and animals around it. A fun fact about Nobber: it's the birthplace of famous musician Turlough O'Carolan! So, beautiful music is a part of its history too. Nobber may be small, but it's full of wonders. It's a place where nature, history, and community come together. Isn't that amazing?

  1. What is the name of the river that flows through Nobber?
  2. Who is the famous musician born in Nobber?
  3. Describe the 'Almshouses' mentioned in the text. What do you think these buildings were used for?
  4. Using a map, can you locate Nobber and identify any interesting geographical features around it?
  5. Plan a visit to Nobber. What would you like to see or explore? Look for any geographical features that interest you and explain why.

My Family and Nobber

Hi, I'm Zane and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Nobber in County Meath. Nobber is a small village but it's full of fun and interesting things!

There's a big, old tower near my house. It's called Maidens Tower and the view from the top is awesome. I like to imagine I'm a knight defending my castle when I go there.

I also love going to the Nobber Fair every year. There are loads of games, yummy food and even animals. My favourite part is the dog show because I love dogs!

One of the best things about Nobber is the people. Everyone is so friendly and kind. My friends and I have so much fun playing in the park and riding our bikes around the village.

I'm really lucky to live in Nobber. There's always something to do and see. I can't wait to grow up and have even more adventures here!

  1. What is the name of the tower near Zane's house?
  2. How does Zane feel when he goes to the tower?
  3. What is Zane's favourite part of the Nobber Fair and why?
  4. How does Zane describe the people in Nobber?
  5. What are some of the things Zane and his friends like to do in Nobber?

The Logainm of Nobber

Nobber is a small village in County Meath, Ireland. The name 'Nobber' comes from an old Irish word, 'an Obair', which means 'the work'. This doesn't mean just any work, but it was specifically used to talk about a type of work done in the olden days. This was the building of roads and bridges, something very important for people to travel and trade. So, Nobber might have been a place where a lot of this important work was done.

Over time, the way people said 'an Obair' changed and it started to sound like 'Nobber'. Today, Nobber is still a place where people work hard. They might not be building roads and bridges like before, but they are working in schools, shops, farms, and many other places. So, the name Nobber is still very fitting!

  1. What does the name 'Nobber' mean in English?
  2. What kind of work does 'an Obair' refer to?
  3. How did 'an Obair' change to become 'Nobber'?
  4. Why do you think the name Nobber is still fitting for the village today?
  5. Can you think of other places that might have interesting stories behind their names?

Slideshow - Nobber
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Nobber