Lesson Name Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
History of Newmarket on Fergus Co. Clare 60 Minutes Books about local history, Internet access Introduction to the history of Newmarket on Fergus, its significance and origin of its name 1. Read about the history of the place. 2. Group discussion about the historical events. 3. Create a timeline of important events. Review of the main historical events and their significance Individual presentation of the timeline
Notable Person 60 Minutes Biographies, Internet access Introduction to the notable person, their life and achievements 1. Read about the person's life. 2. Group discussion about their achievements. 3. Create a poster about the person. Review of the person's life and contributions Presentation of the poster
Natural Geography of the Area 60 Minutes Maps, Internet access Introduction to the geographical features of the area 1. Identify the geographical features on the map. 2. Group discussion about the features. 3. Create a model of the geographical features. Review of the geographical features and their significance Present the model and explain the features
Mapping Skills 60 Minutes Maps, pencils, grid paper Introduction to mapping skills and their importance 1. Practice reading a map. 2. Group activity to create a map of the area. 3. Compare and contrast the created map with the original map. Review of the importance of mapping skills Assessment of the created map and comparison with the original map
Biodiversity 60 Minutes Field guides, magnifying glasses, notebooks Introduction to biodiversity and its importance 1. Explore the local area for biodiversity. 2. Group discussion about the findings. 3. Brainstorm ideas for protecting the biodiversity. Review of the importance of biodiversity and conservation Presentation of the findings and conservation ideas
Visual Arts 60 Minutes Art supplies Introduction to the use of local area as a stimulus for art 1. Explore the local area for inspiration. 2. Create a piece of art based on the inspiration. 3. Group discussion about the created art. Review of the importance of using local environment in art Presentation of the created art and explanation of the inspiration