Welcome to Newcastle West

Newcastle West is a special townland in County Limerick, Ireland, with an interesting history. It's like an old, wise person who has so many stories to tell!

Hundreds of years ago, in the 1200s, a grand castle was built right in the heart of this townland. This is why it got the name "Newcastle West". This castle was a big, strong fortress. Just imagine knights and soldiers walking around, protecting the castle! It must have been quite an adventure!

As time passed by, Newcastle West grew and changed. More houses were built, and more people moved in. They built schools, churches, and even a market place where people could buy and sell goods. It was like a big, busy bee hive!

Even though Newcastle West has changed a lot over the centuries, you can still see parts of its history when you visit. The old castle is still there, though it's not used by knights anymore. Instead, it's a place where people like you and me can visit and learn about the past.

Isn't it fascinating how places can hold so many stories? Just think about what stories your town or city might have to tell!

  1. What was built in Newcastle West in the 1200s?
  2. Why is the townland called "Newcastle West"?
  3. What kind of buildings were built in Newcastle West as it grew?
  4. Why do you think it's important to preserve historical places like the castle in Newcastle West?
  5. If you could ask the townland of Newcastle West one question about its past, what would it be?

All About Newcastle West

Newcastle West is a lovely town in County Limerick, Ireland, nestled between two rivers - the River Arra and the River Deel. These rivers provide a home for many types of fish and frogs! The town is known for its wide main street, which is a hub of activity, with many shops and cafes to visit. The Desmond Castle, a big, old castle, is a famous site in the town. It's really cool to imagine knights and princesses living there long ago!

The area around Newcastle West is rich in green, rolling hills, perfect for sheep to graze. They are part of what's called the "Golden Vale," which is one of the best places in Ireland for farming. In terms of flora and fauna, you can find lots of beautiful wildflowers like buttercups and daisies. For wildlife, you might spot foxes, badgers, and many types of birds, including robins and blackbirds.

One piece of notable street furniture is the town clock, standing tall and making sure everyone knows the time. It's a reminder of the history of Newcastle West and how people have been living and working here for hundreds of years. So, Newcastle West is a blend of bustling town life, historical sites, and natural beauty. It's a great place to learn about both nature and history!

  1. What are the names of the two rivers that run through Newcastle West?
  2. Describe the "Golden Vale" and why it is important for farming.
  3. Using a map, can you find another town or city that is close to Newcastle West? What is its name and how far away is it?
  4. What types of wildlife might you find in and around Newcastle West?
  5. Explore the area around Newcastle West yourself. Can you find something of geographical interest that wasn't mentioned in the text? What is it and why did it catch your attention?

My Family and Newcastle West

Hi, I'm Harper and I'm 8 years old! I live in Newcastle West, in County Limerick. It's a really cool place. We have the Desmond Castle, it's super old and big. I like to imagine I'm a knight when I see it. We also have the Demesne, it’s like a big park with a playground and lots of trees, I've had picnics there with my family.

It's not all old stuff though. We have a cinema too. I love going to watch movies, especially when they have popcorn! And there's the Tesco shopping centre. My mum shops there for groceries and sometimes, she lets me pick a toy.

Every day, I walk to school with my friends. We pass by the River Arra, it's fun to throw stones in it. And on sunny days, I play football with my friends in the big green fields near my house. I love growing up in Newcastle West, there's always something fun to do or see!

  1. What is the name of the castle in Newcastle West?
  2. What do I like to imagine when I see the Desmond Castle?
  3. What can you do at the Demesne?
  4. What do we pass by on our way to school?
  5. What do I do on sunny days?

The Logainm of Newcastle West

Newcastle West, or 'An Caisleán Nua Thiar' in Irish, is a beautiful town in County Limerick in Ireland. The name 'An Caisleán Nua Thiar' means 'The New Castle to the West' in English. This name dates back to the early 1200s when a new castle was built on the west side of the town by a knight named William de Burgo.

William de Burgo was a brave knight and he built the new castle to keep his people safe. This castle was considered 'new' because there was already an older castle in the area. So, the town got its name from the 'new castle' in the 'west'. Over time, the name in English became 'Newcastle West'.

Today, the remains of the castle can still be seen and it's a special part of history that reminds people of the old times. The name Newcastle West carries the history of the town and its people from the past and connects it with the present day.

  1. What does 'An Caisleán Nua Thiar' mean in English?
  2. Who built the new castle in the west and why?
  3. Why was the castle considered 'new'?
  4. How did the town of Newcastle West get its name?
  5. What is the connection between the history of the town and its name today?

Slideshow - Newcastle West
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Newcastle West