Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Newbridge 60 minutes History books, Internet access, Projector Introduction to the history of Newbridge, focusing on the origin of the placename. Activity 1: Research and discussion on the history of Newbridge.
Activity 2: Group presentations on different historical periods.
Activity 3: Creating a timeline of Newbridge history.
Summary of the key historical events and their significance. Review of timelines and presentations; participation in discussion.
2: Notable Person - Dame Kathleen Lonsdale 60 minutes Biography books, Internet access, Art supplies Introduction to Dame Kathleen Lonsdale, a notable scientist from Newbridge. Activity 1: Research and discussion on Kathleen's life and work.
Activity 2: Draw a portrait of Kathleen.
Activity 3: Write a brief biography on Kathleen.
Summary of Kathleen's contributions and why she is a significant figure. Review of biographies and portraits; participation in discussion.
3: Geography - Natural Features of Newbridge 60 minutes Maps, Internet access, Field trip permission Introduction to the natural geography of Newbridge, including the River Liffey. Activity 1: Identify natural features on a map of Newbridge.
Activity 2: Field trip to observe and sketch local natural features.
Activity 3: Classroom discussion on the importance of these features.
Summary of the key natural features and their importance to Newbridge. Review of maps and sketches; participation in discussion.
4: Geography - Mapping Skills 60 minutes Blank maps, Pens, Rulers, Internet access Introduction to basic mapping skills and the layout of Newbridge. Activity 1: Learners draw their own map of Newbridge.
Activity 2: Pair learners to compare and contrast their maps.
Activity 3: Class discussion on the importance of accuracy in map making.
Summary of the importance of mapping skills and how they apply to understanding Newbridge's layout. Review of maps; participation in discussion.
5: Biodiversity in Newbridge 60 minutes Field trip permission, Notebooks, Pens, Internet access Introduction to the concept of biodiversity and its importance to the local area. Activity 1: Field trip to observe local biodiversity.
Activity 2: Class discussion on ways to protect local biodiversity.
Activity 3: Learners create posters promoting biodiversity protection.
Summary of the importance of biodiversity and how to protect it. Review of posters; participation in discussion.
6: Visual Arts - Local Inspiration 60 minutes Art supplies, Local photographs, Field trip permission Introduction to using local scenery as inspiration for art. Activity 1: Field trip to sketch local scenery.
Activity 2: Classroom session to paint or draw based on sketches.
Activity 3: Gallery walk to appreciate everyone's artwork.
Summary of how local scenery can inspire art. Review of artwork; participation in discussion.