Welcome to Mullingar

Mullingar is a special townland in County Westmeath, Ireland. It has a rich history that goes back hundreds of years. Can you believe it was founded by the Normans around the 12th century? That's a long, long time ago, even before your great-great-great grandparents were born!

Around that time, the Normans built a castle in Mullingar. The castle isn't there anymore, but it played a big role in shaping the town. Another important part of Mullingar's history is St. Colman's Church. This beautiful building was built in the 13th century and is still standing today. Imagine, that's over 800 years old!

Mullingar is also known for its role in Irish folklore. There's a story about a magical cow, the "Dun of Allen", who belonged to a powerful fairy woman. This cow could produce endless buckets of milk. Unfortunately, when a greedy man tried to steal the cow, it disappeared.

So, next time you drink a glass of milk, think about the magical cow from Mullingar! The history of a place is like a treasure chest of stories, and Mullingar is no exception. Isn't it exciting to learn about our past?

  1. Who founded Mullingar and when was it founded?
  2. What two important buildings or structures were built in Mullingar in the old times?
  3. What is the story about the magical cow from Mullingar?
  4. Why do you think the castle built by the Normans is no longer there?
  5. How does the history of Mullingar reflect the culture and traditions of Ireland?

All About Mullingar

Mullingar is a vibrant town found in County Westmeath, Ireland. It's nestled in the heart of the country and surrounded by beautiful green fields and lovely lakes. Can you imagine skipping stones across the calm waters of Lough Owel or Lough Ennell?

The town centre has many cool streets like Mount Street, with shops and cafes where people love to visit. Austin Friars Street is another famous one with its lovely St. Paul's Church.

Mullingar is also home to many wonderful animals and plants. In Belvedere House Gardens and Park, you can see colourful butterflies fluttering and hear birds singing. You might spot a rare Irish Red Squirrel if you're lucky!

There's also the Royal Canal, a long, winding waterway that flows right through Mullingar! It's like the town's very own river. Lots of ducks live here and you can even see swans gliding gracefully on the water sometimes.

And guess what? Mullingar doesn't have any mountains, but it does have lots of gentle rolling hills. You can run up and down until you're out of breath! So that's Mullingar for you - a place of streets, lakes, animals, and fun!.

  1. What are two famous streets in Mullingar and what can be found on them?
  2. Describe the wildlife that can be found in Mullingar's Belvedere House Gardens and Park.
  3. Explain the significance of the Royal Canal and the kind of wildlife you might see there.
  4. Using a map, locate Mullingar and the surrounding geographical features such as Lough Owel, Lough Ennell, and the Royal Canal.
  5. Explore the area around Mullingar and find a geographical feature not mentioned in the article. What is it and why do you find it interesting?

My Family and Mullingar

Hi there! It's me, Noah and I'm 8 years old. I live in a cool place called Mullingar, in Co. Westmeath. I love it here!

Our town is really famous because it's got Belvedere House and Gardens. It's a super big house with a really neat garden that's fun to play in. Sometimes, my friends and I pretend we're exploring a jungle when we're there. Also, it has a spooky 'Jealous Wall'! It's not really scary, but it's fun to imagine it is.

We also have the Mullingar Pewter Factory. My school took us there once. They make shiny things from metal, like jewellery and mugs. It's cool to watch them work. It's like seeing a treasure being born!

Oh, and we also have the Royal Canal. It's a long waterway and sometimes I go with my dad for fishing there. It's peaceful and I like it a lot. I once caught a fish this big! Well, not really, but it's fun to pretend.

Anyway, that's all about me and my town. Come visit Mullingar, it's a great place to be. Bye for now!

  1. What is the name of the large house with gardens in Mullingar?
  2. What do they manufacture at the Mullingar Pewter Factory?
  3. What is the 'Jealous Wall'?
  4. What activities does Noah enjoy doing at the Royal Canal?
  5. Why does Noah like living in Mullingar?

The Logainm of Mullingar

Mullingar, a town in County Westmeath, Ireland, has a unique name that tells a story of its past. In the Irish language, Mullingar is called 'An Muileann gCearr', which means 'the left-handed mill'. A mill is a place where grains like wheat or barley are ground into flour. The 'left-handed' part of the name is a bit of a mystery. Some say it's because the mill was built backwards or turned in the opposite direction to most mills.

Many years ago, people used mills to make their food. The miller would pour grain into the top of the mill. The grain would then fall between two large stones. One stone would stay still while the other spun around. The spinning stone would crush the grain into flour. The mill in Mullingar was different because it spun in the 'wrong' direction. That's why it was called the left-handed mill.

Today, Mullingar is a busy town with lots of people, shops, and schools. But its name reminds us of a time long ago when the town was known for its unusual mill.

  1. What does 'An Muileann gCearr', the Irish name for Mullingar, mean in English?
  2. What is a mill?
  3. Why was the mill in Mullingar called 'the left-handed mill'?
  4. What happens inside a mill?
  5. How does the name Mullingar link the town's past to its present day?

Slideshow - Mullingar
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Mullingar