Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Muff Co. Donegal 60 minutes History books, Internet access, Notepads and pens Discuss the history of Muff Co. Donegal and focus on the origin of the placename.
  1. Explore the history of the area and the origin of the placename.
  2. Discuss the changes that have occurred over the years.
  3. Create a timeline of major events in the history of Muff Co. Donegal.
Review the major events in the history of the area and the origin of the placename. Children to present their timelines and discuss their findings.
2: Notable person from the area 60 minutes Biographies, Internet access Introduce a notable person from the area (or nearby if none) and discuss their significance.
  1. Research the life and achievements of the notable person.
  2. Discuss the impact this person has had on Muff Co. Donegal.
  3. Create a presentation about the notable person.
Review the significance of the notable person and their impact on the area. Children to present their findings and discuss the impact of the notable person.
3: Geography of the area 60 minutes Maps, Internet access, Notepads and pens Discuss the geographical features of Muff Co. Donegal.
  1. Explore the natural geographical features such as rivers, mountains, lakes, and beaches.
  2. Discuss the importance of these features to the area.
  3. Create a geographical map of Muff Co. Donegal.
Review the geographical features and their importance to the area. Children to present their maps and discuss the geographical features of the area.
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, Internet access, Notepads and pens Discuss the importance of maps and how to read them.
  1. Practice reading and interpreting maps of Muff Co. Donegal.
  2. Discuss map symbols and their meanings.
  3. Create a map of Muff Co. Donegal using the correct symbols.
Review the skills learned and the importance of reading maps. Children to present their maps and discuss the symbols used.
5: Biodiversity 60 minutes Internet access, Notepads and pens, Outdoor exploration equipment Discuss the concept of biodiversity and its importance.
  1. Explore the local area for examples of biodiversity.
  2. Discuss ways to protect the biodiversity of the area.
  3. Create a presentation on the biodiversity of Muff Co. Donegal and ways to protect it.
Review the importance of biodiversity and ways to protect it. Children to present their findings and discuss ways to protect the biodiversity of the area.
6: Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies Discuss how the local area can inspire art.
  1. Explore the local area for inspiration.
  2. Create a piece of art using any medium inspired by the local area.
  3. Discuss the art pieces and the inspiration behind them.
Review the art pieces and discuss how the local area inspired them. Children to present their art pieces and discuss the inspiration behind them.