Lesson Time Allocation Resources Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Mountjoy Dublin 60 minutes Books or online resources on the history of Mountjoy Dublin Introduce the area of Mountjoy Dublin and its historical significance Activity 1: Research and create a timeline of Mountjoy's history.
Activity 2: Discuss the origin and meaning of the place name.
Activity 3: Role-play a day in the life of an early settler in Mountjoy.
Recap the history of Mountjoy and the importance of its place name Assess the timeline, involvement in discussion and participation in role-play
2: Notable Person from Mountjoy Dublin 60 minutes Books or online resources on the chosen person Introduce the notable person and their contributions Activity 1: Create a fact file about the person.
Activity 2: Debate the impact of the person's contributions.
Activity 3: Draw a portrait of the person.
Discuss the importance of remembering and understanding historical figures Assess the fact file, participation in debate and the portrait
3: Geography of Mountjoy Dublin 60 minutes Maps of Mountjoy Dublin, books or online resources on its geography Introduce the geographical features of Mountjoy Dublin Activity 1: Identify the geographical features on a map.
Activity 2: Discuss how these features affect the lifestyle of the residents.
Activity 3: Create a model of Mountjoy Dublin's geography.
Recap the geographical features and their impact on the residents of Mountjoy Dublin Assess the map work, participation in discussion and the model
4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Blank maps, markers, rulers Introduce the concept of mapping and its importance Activity 1: Draw a map of Mountjoy Dublin.
Activity 2: Add key landmarks to the map.
Activity 3: Use the map to give directions from one point to another.
Discuss the importance of mapping skills Assess the accuracy of the maps and the ability to give directions
5: Biodiversity of Mountjoy Dublin 60 minutes Books or online resources on the local biodiversity, art materials Introduce biodiversity and its importance Activity 1: Identify different species in Mountjoy Dublin.
Activity 2: Discuss the importance of preserving these species.
Activity 3: Create a poster promoting biodiversity conservation.
Discuss the importance of biodiversity and conservation Assess the identification of species, participation in discussion and the poster
6: Visual Arts Inspired by Mountjoy Dublin 60 minutes Art materials Introduce visual arts and how surroundings can inspire it Activity 1: Sketch a landscape of Mountjoy Dublin.
Activity 2: Paint a notable landmark.
Activity 3: Create a sculpture inspired by the local biodiversity.
Discuss how the local area can inspire art Assess the sketches, paintings and sculptures