Welcome to Mountjoy

Mountjoy is a special place with a rich history, located in Ireland. Long ago, it was part of a big area of land owned by a powerful family called the Stewarts. They built a grand house here in the 1600s, called Mountjoy Castle. Can you imagine living in a castle?

This castle was very important during a time of war known as the Irish Confederate Wars. In 1642, the castle was attacked! But the people inside were brave and managed to defend their home. It must have been quite an adventure!

Today, there isn't much left of the castle, but the townland of Mountjoy still remembers its exciting past. People live, work, and play here, surrounded by beautiful green fields and farmland. Even without a castle, it's a pretty cool place to be!

So, history is not just about big events and famous people. It's also about small places like Mountjoy and the stories they hold. Next time you visit a new place, try to imagine what stories it might be hiding.

  1. Who owned the big area of land in Mountjoy long ago?
  2. What happened to Mountjoy Castle in 1642?
  3. What is the townland of Mountjoy like today?
  4. If you were living in Mountjoy Castle during the Irish Confederate Wars, how do you think you would have felt? Explain your answer.
  5. Why do you think it's important to learn about the history of small places like Mountjoy?

All About Mountjoy

Welcome, little explorers, to Mountjoy! This is a very special place in Ireland. It might not have mountains or rivers, but it's full of interesting things to see.

First, let's check out the streets. Have you heard of Mountjoy Square? It's a famous street lined with old, pretty houses. Each house has a story to tell! In the middle, there's a lovely garden where you can play or have a picnic.

Now, let's talk about nature. Mountjoy might be in a city, but it still has lots of trees and flowers. If you're lucky, you might even spot a robin redbreast or a cheeky squirrel!

Mountjoy also has some cool street furniture. Have you seen those fancy lamps along the streets? They're not just for light, they're also a part of history as they're very old.

Even though Mountjoy doesn't have mountains or rivers, it's near the sea! From certain places, you can see the beautiful Dublin Bay. Imagine all the adventures you can have there!

So, put on your explorer's hat and get ready to discover Mountjoy. Who knows what amazing things you'll find?.

  1. What kind of wildlife might you spot in Mountjoy?
  2. Describe the street furniture in Mountjoy. What makes it special?
  3. Using a map, can you find and mark the location of Mountjoy Square?
  4. What body of water is Mountjoy near? What views does this provide?
  5. As an explorer, what interesting geographical feature in Mountjoy would you like to find more about? Explain why.

My Family and Mountjoy

Hi! I'm Taylor and I'm 8 years old. I live in a wonderful place called Mountjoy. It's such a cool place to grow up in. There’s always something fun to do.

One of my favourite places in Mountjoy is the big, beautiful park in the middle of town. I love going there with my friends to play and have picnics. The trees are so tall, they touch the sky and the flowers are all colours of the rainbow. It's so pretty!

Another interesting place is the old stone bridge. It's so old, my mom says it's been there forever. I like to imagine what it was like when it was first built. I bet there were horses and carriages crossing it!

There's also a cool library just down the road. It's filled with so many books. I love going there to find new stories to read. The librarian, Mrs. Murphy, is really nice. She helps me find the best books!

Living in Mountjoy is the best. I can't wait to share more about my adventures with you!

  1. What is Taylor's favourite place in Mountjoy and why?
  2. How does Taylor imagine the old stone bridge in the past?
  3. Who is Mrs. Murphy and what does she do?
  4. What does Taylor like about the park?
  5. What does Taylor like to do at the library?

The Logainm of Mountjoy

Mountjoy is a special name that comes from far away in a country called France. In French, 'Mount' means 'mountain', and 'joy' means 'joy'. So, Mountjoy means 'Mountain of Joy'. Long ago, there was a famous man named Luke Gardiner. He was a very important person in Dublin, where Mountjoy is. He named Mountjoy Square and other places around it after his family's land in France. He liked the name because it sounded happy and strong.

Nowadays, Mountjoy is a famous place in Dublin, Ireland. You can find lots of houses, a great park, and even a prison there! But don't worry, the prison is for grown-ups and it's very safe. Many people live and work in Mountjoy and enjoy its happy name. Just like in the old days, Mountjoy is still a 'Mountain of Joy' for many people in Dublin.

  1. What does Mountjoy mean in English?
  2. Who was Luke Gardiner and why did he name this place Mountjoy?
  3. What country does the name Mountjoy originally come from?
  4. What are some things you can find in Mountjoy today?
  5. Why do you think people like living in a place called 'Mountain of Joy'?

Slideshow - Mountjoy
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Mountjoy