Lesson Plan Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: History of Mount Merrion Blackrock Co. Dublin 60 minutes Books, Internet access, Projector Introduction to the history of Mount Merrion Blackrock Co. Dublin, focusing on the logainm of the placename.
  1. Discuss the origin of the name 'Mount Merrion Blackrock'
  2. Research the historical background of the area
  3. Create a timeline of important historical events
Summarize the history of Mount Merrion Blackrock Co. Dublin Review of timeline created and class discussion
Lesson 2: Notable Person - Eamon de Valera 60 minutes Books, Internet access, Projector Introduction to Eamon de Valera, a notable person from the area.
  1. Discuss Eamon de Valera's early life and his connection to the area
  2. Research his contributions to Ireland
  3. Create a biography of Eamon de Valera
Summarize the life and contributions of Eamon de Valera Review of biography created and class discussion
Lesson 3: Geography of the Area 60 minutes Maps, Internet access, Projector Introduction to the natural geography of Mount Merrion Blackrock Co. Dublin.
  1. Discuss the natural features of the area
  2. Research the rivers, mountains, lakes, beaches, etc. in the area
  3. Create a geographical model of the area
Summarize the geographical features of Mount Merrion Blackrock Co. Dublin Review of geographical model created and class discussion
Lesson 4: Mapping Skills 60 minutes Maps, Ruler, Pencils, Graph paper Introduction to mapping skills.
  1. Discuss the basics of mapping
  2. Explore the map of Mount Merrion Blackrock Co. Dublin
  3. Create a map of the area
Summarize the basics of mapping and the map created Review of map created and class discussion
Lesson 5: Biodiversity and Conservation 60 minutes Books, Internet access, Projector Introduction to the concept of biodiversity and conservation.
  1. Discuss the biodiversity in Mount Merrion Blackrock Co. Dublin
  2. Research ways to protect the local area
  3. Create a conservation plan for the area
Summarize the importance of biodiversity and conservation Review of conservation plan created and class discussion
Lesson 6: Visual Arts 60 minutes Art supplies Introduction to using local area as a stimulus for creating art.
  1. Discuss the beauty of Mount Merrion Blackrock Co. Dublin
  2. Explore different art mediums
  3. Create a piece of art inspired by the area
Summarize the importance of art and the inspiration taken from the local area Review of created artwork and class discussion