Welcome to Mount Merrion

Mount Merrion is a special place in County Dublin, Ireland. But did you know it wasn't always the bustling neighbourhood we see today? Long ago, it was part of a big estate owned by a man named Richard Fitzwilliam. He was very wealthy and had lots of land!

Richard built a grand house on this land, which he named Mount Merrion House. Beautiful gardens and wonderful views surrounded the house. People traveled from far and wide just to see it! Imagine having a house so fancy that people wanted to visit it like a museum!

Over time, the area around the house started to grow. More and more people built their homes here, and so the townland of Mount Merrion was born. The grand house isn't there anymore, but the name stuck around.

Today, Mount Merrion is a lovely place to live, with schools, parks, and shops. It's hard to believe that it all started with one man's grand house! Isn't it amazing how places can change over time?

  1. Who was the wealthy man that owned the land where Mount Merrion is now located?
  2. What did Richard Fitzwilliam build on his land?
  3. What happened to the area around the house over time?
  4. Why do you think the name "Mount Merrion" stuck around even after the grand house was gone?
  5. Imagine you lived in Mount Merrion in the past. How would your life be different from now?

All About Mount Merrion

Mount Merrion is a beautiful place in County Dublin, Ireland. It's not too far from the sea, and it's a super spot to explore! The area is full of interesting things for you to discover. A famous street here is called "The Rise." It's a long, winding road that goes uphill, just like a mountain climb. But don't worry, it's not as high as a real mountain!

You'd love the Deerpark, a big park that's home to lots of plants and animals. You can run on the grass, smell the flowers or even watch the squirrels jumping from tree to tree! There are also lovely benches and street lamps that make the park look like a fairy tale at night.

Near Mount Merrion, there's a little river called the River Dodder. It's not very big but it's a lovely place to sit and listen to the water. Although there aren't any mountains in Mount Merrion, you can see the Dublin Mountains in the distance on a clear day. They look like giant sleeping giants!

Mount Merrion is a wonderful place full of adventure. Next time you visit, see what hidden gems you can discover!.

  1. What is the name of the famous street in Mount Merrion that is similar to a mountain climb?
  2. Describe some of the plants and animals you might see in the Deerpark.
  3. What is the name of the river near Mount Merrion and what can you do there?
  4. Using a map of County Dublin, can you locate Mount Merrion, The Rise, Deerpark and the River Dodder?
  5. During your next visit to Mount Merrion, can you explore the area and find a geographical feature not mentioned in the article? Describe what you find.

My Family and Mount Merrion

Hi there! I'm Bailey and I'm 8-years old. I live in a beautiful place called Mount Merrion in Co. Dublin. It's so cool here!

My favourite place is Deerpark. It has a playground and a forest where I like to search for squirrels. Sometimes, we have picnics there and it's fun! There's also this huge Obelisk that you can see from miles away. My teacher said it's very old and important. I think it's just really big!

Just around the corner, there's a really tall church called St. Therese's Church. I like the big colourful windows, they shine so pretty when the sun is out. My friends and I often go to the UCD campus to feed the ducks at the lake. It's always full of students and I can't wait to be one of them one day.

So, that's a bit about me and where I live. Mount Merrion is a great place to grow up, with so much to see and do. I hope you can visit one day!

  1. What is Bailey's favourite place in Mount Merrion and why?
  2. What animals does Bailey search for in the forest at Deerpark?
  3. What does Bailey like about St. Therese's Church?
  4. Where does Bailey feed the ducks?
  5. What does Bailey want to be one day and where?

The Logainm of Mount Merrion

Mount Merrion in County Dublin is a special place. The word 'Mount Merrion' is an English name that comes from the Irish words 'Mhuirfean' which means 'sea fair' and 'cnoc' meaning 'hill'. So, Mount Merrion can be translated as 'the hill of the sea fair'. Long back in time, this lovely hill was chosen by a man named Richard Fitzwilliam to build a big house. He was a very rich man who owned a lot of land in Dublin. He named his house 'Mount Merrion House'. Over time, the entire area around his house also came to be known as Mount Merrion.

In the present day, Mount Merrion is a busy, bustling place. People live in houses, go to schools, play in parks and shop at stores. But, if you stand on the top of the hill and look out to the sea, you can imagine how it might have looked years ago when it was just a sea fair hill. Isn't it fascinating how places get their names and how they change over time?

  1. What does the name 'Mount Merrion' mean in English?
  2. Who chose to build a house on this hill and what was the house called?
  3. How did the area around the house come to be known as Mount Merrion?
  4. What can you see if you stand on the top of the hill in Mount Merrion today?
  5. How do you think Mount Merrion might have looked years ago?

Slideshow - Mount Merrion
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Mount Merrion