Lesson 1: Discovering Mother Teresa | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|-------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 45 minutes | Pictures of Mother Teresa, World map | Show pictures of Mother Teresa and ask if anyone knows who she is. Explain that she was an inspirational woman from Albania. | Discuss where and when Mother Teresa lived, and what she is famous for. Watch a short video about her life. | Recap key points learned. Encourage students to ask questions. | Ask students to write a short paragraph about what they have learned about Mother Teresa. | Lesson 2: Exploring Mother Teresa's Contributions | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|-------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 45 minutes | Biography of Mother Teresa, Art supplies | Review what was learned about Mother Teresa. Introduce her contributions to society and culture. | Discuss the impact Mother Teresa had on her time and how her work continues to influence the world. | Reflect on the discussion. Ask students to draw a picture depicting one of Mother Teresa's contributions. | Review the drawings to assess students' understanding of Mother Teresa's contributions. | Lesson 3: Connecting Mother Teresa to Your Life | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|-------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 45 minutes | Reflection questions worksheet | Ask students to think about how Mother Teresa's actions can inspire them in their own lives. | Have a class discussion on how students can emulate Mother Teresa's compassion and kindness in their daily lives. | Encourage students to write or draw about a time they showed kindness or helped someone. | Review the students' responses and drawings to assess their ability to connect with Mother Teresa's values. | Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Mother Teresa's Life | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|-------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 60 minutes | Timeline template, Pictures of Mother Teresa | Introduce the concept of a timeline and explain its purpose. Show pictures of Mother Teresa at different stages of her life. | Guide students in creating a timeline of key events in Mother Teresa's life. Discuss the significance of each event. | Review the timelines created by students. Discuss any similarities or differences. | Assess the accuracy and completeness of each student's timeline of Mother Teresa's life. | Lesson 5: Role Play - Being Mother Teresa | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|-------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 45 minutes | Props for role play | Divide students into small groups and assign each group a scenario where they must act as Mother Teresa. | Give students time to prepare and then perform their role play in front of the class. Discuss how they felt embodying Mother Teresa's values. | Reflect on the role plays. Ask students to share what they learned from stepping into Mother Teresa's shoes. | Assess students' participation and understanding of Mother Teresa's character through their role plays. | Lesson 6: Art Project - Creating a Tribute to Mother Teresa | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |-----------------|-------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 60 minutes | Art supplies, Pictures of Mother Teresa | Show examples of art tributes to inspirational figures. Explain that students will create a tribute to Mother Teresa through art. | Allow students to work on their art projects, incorporating elements of Mother Teresa's life and work. | Have students present their art projects to the class. Discuss the symbolism and meaning behind each piece. | Assess the creativity and thoughtfulness of each student's art tribute to Mother Teresa. |