Lesson 1: Exploring Themes of Stray by Monica Hesse
Objective: The child should explore the themes of the book, Stray by Monica Hesse
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Copies of Stray by Monica Hesse, Chart paper, Markers
Introduction: Introduce the concept of themes in a book. Discuss the themes present in Stray by Monica Hesse.
Development: Divide students into small groups. Assign each group a theme from the book. Have them read relevant sections and discuss how the theme is portrayed.
Conclusion: Each group presents their findings to the class. Discuss similarities and differences in their interpretations.
Assessment: Observe group discussions and presentations for understanding of themes.
Lesson 2: Writing a Summary of Stray by Monica Hesse
Objective: The child should be enabled to write a summary of the book Stray by Monica Hesse
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Copies of Stray by Monica Hesse, Writing paper, Pens
Introduction: Explain the importance of summarizing a story. Model how to write a summary.
Development: Have students read the book independently and write a summary of the main events and characters.
Conclusion: Share summaries in pairs. Discuss key points that should be included in a summary.
Assessment: Review student summaries for comprehension and key details.
Lesson 3: Writing a Review of Stray by Monica Hesse
Objective: The child should be enabled to write a review of the book Stray by Monica Hesse
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Copies of Stray by Monica Hesse, Review template handout, Pens
Introduction: Discuss the purpose of a book review. Show examples of book reviews.
Development: Have students read the book and fill out the review template, focusing on plot, characters, and their personal opinion.
Conclusion: Allow students to share their reviews with the class. Discuss different opinions and perspectives.
Assessment: Evaluate reviews based on content, organization, and personal reflection.
Lesson 4: Creating a Story Based on Themes of Stray
Objective: The child should be enabled to make a plan, write, edit and present their own story based on the themes of Stray by Monica Hesse
Time Allocation: 90 minutes
Resources Needed: Chart paper, Markers, Writing paper, Pens
Introduction: Review the themes of Stray by Monica Hesse. Explain the task of creating a story based on these themes.
Development: Brainstorm ideas for stories that incorporate the themes. Have students outline their story, write a draft, and peer-edit.
Conclusion: Students present their stories to the class. Encourage feedback and discussion on how the themes were woven into their narratives.
Assessment: Evaluate the story outlines, drafts, and presentations for creativity and incorporation of themes.