Welcome to Maynooth

Maynooth is a special townland in County Kildare, Ireland. Its history is very interesting! Hundreds of years ago, in 1518, the famous Maynooth College was established. It's like a big school for grown-ups! This college has a magical castle too, called the Maynooth Castle. Can you imagine going to school in a castle?

The castle has a great story. Around 500 years ago, a very powerful family called the Fitzgeralds lived there. But, there was a huge fight in 1534, called the Silken Thomas Rebellion, when the son of the Earl of Kildare, Thomas Fitzgerald, stood up against the English King Henry VIII. Unfortunately, they lost, and the poor Fitzgeralds had to leave their castle behind.

Today, Maynooth is known for its friendly people, beautiful parks, and of course, the wonderful Maynooth University. Even though it's a small place, it has a big history that we can all learn from. It shows us that every place, big or small, has its own story to tell. Isn't that exciting?

  1. What is Maynooth College like?
  2. Who lived in the Maynooth Castle 500 years ago?
  3. What happened in the year 1534?
  4. Why do you think the Fitzgeralds had to leave their castle? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
  5. What does the story of Maynooth tell us about the history of small places? Use your own words to explain.

All About Maynooth

Maynooth is a super interesting place in County Kildare, Ireland. It's not big and not small, just the right size to be cozy! It's known for two special streets, Main Street and Straffan Road, where you can find many shops and houses.

Maynooth is also home to Maynooth University, a place where adults go to learn new things. Beautiful buildings and a lovely park with lots of trees, flowers, and even some friendly squirrels, make the university a great place to visit.

The Royal Canal flows through Maynooth. The canal is like a long, narrow lake where boats can travel. You can see ducks and swans swimming in it. Sometimes, you may even spot a playful otter!

In the surrounding areas, you can find wonderful green fields and forests. Many animals live there, like rabbits, foxes, and different kinds of birds. It's a perfect place for nature lovers!

One more fun thing about Maynooth is its colourful street furniture. There are bright benches, unique lamps and cool bollards (these are like little posts that stop cars from going where they shouldn't!).

So, as you can see, Maynooth is a fantastic place full of exciting things to discover.

  1. What two special streets is Maynooth known for, and what can you find there?
  2. Describe the Royal Canal and the wildlife that can be spotted there.
  3. What type of street furniture can you find in Maynooth?
  4. Using a map, can you locate Maynooth and identify the Royal Canal and Maynooth University on it?
  5. Explore the area around you. Can you find something of geographical interest or importance? Describe what you found and why it might be important.

My Family and Maynooth

Hi there! I'm Devin, and I just turned 8! I live in Maynooth, Co. Kildare. It's a really cool place. Do you know we have the oldest tree in Ireland? It's named Silken Thomas Yew Tree. It's sooo old, like super duper old!

And, we have Maynooth Castle! It's not like the castles in my storybooks, but it's still pretty cool. Sometimes I pretend I'm a knight protecting the castle!

Oh, I almost forgot about Maynooth University! My mom says it's one of the best in Ireland. I think it's just a lot of big buildings, but they have a really neat garden. I like to run around there with my friends.

There are also lots of trains here because we have a big train station. I like to watch them zoom by. They're really fast!

So, that's a little about my home, Maynooth. I hope you think it's as cool as I do!

  1. What is the name of the oldest tree in Ireland and where is it located?
  2. What do I like to pretend when I'm at Maynooth Castle?
  3. Why is Maynooth University special, according to my mom?
  4. What do I enjoy doing at the university garden?
  5. What do I like to watch at the train station?

The Logainm of Maynooth

Maynooth is a very special place in County Kildare, Ireland. It has a magical name that comes from the Irish words 'Maigh Nuadhat'. Aren't those words fun to say? 'Maigh' means plain, you know, like a big, flat field. 'Nuadhat' was the name of a very important man long, long ago. So, Maynooth means 'Nuadhat's plain'. Imagine having a whole plain named after you!

Long, long ago, there lived a king named Nuadhat. He ruled over a plain which, after him, became known as 'Maigh Nuadhat'. Over the years, people started calling it Maynooth. Today, Maynooth is a beautiful town full of lovely people, a famous university, and it's also the home of the Irish Bishops' House. It's a very important place to lots of people because of all the learning that happens there!

Even though King Nuadhat lived a very long time ago, we still remember him every time we say 'Maynooth'. Isn't it amazing how names can tell us stories about the past? That's the power of logainm, or place names, in Ireland. So, every time you say Maynooth, you're really telling a story about a king and his plain. Now, isn't that a fun fact to share with your friends?

  1. What is the Irish name for Maynooth and what does it mean in English?
  2. Who was Nuadhat and why was he important?
  3. What is special about the town of Maynooth today?
  4. How does Maynooth's name help us remember the past?
  5. What is a logainm and how does it tell us stories?

Slideshow - Maynooth
A full set of teaching plans for teaching about Maynooth