Lesson Time Allocation Resources Needed Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
1: History of Mayfield, Cork 60 minutes History textbooks, internet access, map of Ireland Begin with a discussion on Mayfield, its location in Ireland and its significance in history.
  • Activity 1: Children will research the history of the placename Mayfield.
  • Activity 2: Children will create a timeline of major historical events in Mayfield.
  • Activity 3: Children will present a brief report on their findings.
Wrap up the lesson with a review of the key historical events in Mayfield. Assess the children's understanding through their reports and timeline creations.
2: Notable Person from Mayfield 60 minutes Biographies, internet access Introduce the concept of influential people and their impact on society.
  • Activity 1: Children will research a notable person from Mayfield or nearby.
  • Activity 2: Children will create a biography poster of the notable person.
  • Activity 3: Children will present their posters to the class.
Conclude with a discussion on the influence of the person on Mayfield and its community. Assess the children's understanding through their biography posters and presentations.
3: Geography of Mayfield 60 minutes Geography textbooks, maps of Mayfield, internet access Begin with a discussion on the geographical features of Mayfield.
  • Activity 1: Children will identify major geographical features of Mayfield on a map.
  • Activity 2: Children will research the formation of these features.
  • Activity 3: Children will share their findings with the class.
Conclude with a review of the geographical features of Mayfield. Assess the children's understanding through their map identification and research presentations.
4: Mapping Skills of Mayfield 60 minutes Blanks maps, rulers, coloured pencils Introduce the concept of map reading and creation.
  • Activity 1: Children will practice reading a map of Mayfield.
  • Activity 2: Children will create their own map of Mayfield including key landmarks.
  • Activity 3: Children will present their maps to the class.
Conclude with a discussion on the importance of map skills. Assess the children's understanding through their map creations and presentations.
5: Biodiversity of Mayfield 60 minutes Field guides, notebooks, pencils, internet access Begin with a discussion on biodiversity and its importance.
  • Activity 1: Children will research local plants and animals in Mayfield.
  • Activity 2: Children will create a chart showing the biodiversity of Mayfield.
  • Activity 3: Children will present their findings, including ways to protect Mayfield's biodiversity.
Conclude with a discussion on the importance of protecting biodiversity. Assess the children's understanding through their biodiversity charts and presentations.
6: Visual Arts - Mayfield as Inspiration 60 minutes Art supplies (paint, brushes, paper) Introduce the concept of using local scenery as inspiration for art.
  • Activity 1: Children will sketch a scene from Mayfield.
  • Activity 2: Children will paint or color their sketch.
  • Activity 3: Children will present their artwork and explain their choice of scene.
Conclude with an art exhibit of the children's work. Assess the children's understanding through their artwork and presentations.