Lesson Plan Time Resources Introduction Development Conclusion Assessment
Lesson 1: History of Masonbrook 60 mins Books, Internet, Videos Start the lesson by asking children what they know about the history of Masonbrook, then provide a brief explanation of its history.
  • Activity 1: Watch a video about the history of Masonbrook and discuss it afterwards.
  • Activity 2: Research the history of Masonbrook on the internet and present findings to the class.
  • Activity 3: Read a book about the history of Masonbrook and write a summary.
Summarize what was learned in the lesson and ask children to share their favorite facts. Check each child's understanding through their presentations or summaries.
Lesson 2: Notable Person from Masonbrook 60 mins Books, Internet Introduce a notable person from Masonbrook, and explain why they are important.
  • Activity 1: Write a biography of the notable person.
  • Activity 2: Draw a timeline of the notable person's life.
  • Activity 3: Role-play an interview with the notable person.
Discuss what was learned about the notable person and why it is important to remember them. Evaluate the biography, timeline, or interview for understanding of the notable person's life.
Lesson 3: Geography of Masonbrook 60 mins Maps, Photos, Internet Discuss the geography of Masonbrook, including its rivers, mountains, lakes, and beaches.
  • Activity 1: Draw a map of Masonbrook's geography from memory.
  • Activity 2: Use photos to identify different geographical features of Masonbrook.
  • Activity 3: Research Masonbrook's geography on the internet and present findings to the class.
Review the geography of Masonbrook and discuss why it is unique. Assess the maps, identifications, or presentations for understanding of Masonbrook's geography.
Lesson 4: Mapping Skills 60 mins Maps, Compass, Ruler Introduce mapping skills, including reading a map and using a compass.
  • Activity 1: Use a map and compass to navigate a course around the classroom.
  • Activity 2: Draw a map of the classroom from memory.
  • Activity 3: Measure distances on a map using a ruler.
Discuss the importance of mapping skills and when they might be used. Evaluate the navigation, map, or measurements for understanding of mapping skills.
Lesson 5: Biodiversity of Masonbrook 60 mins Books, Internet, Field Guide Discuss the biodiversity of Masonbrook and why it is important to protect it.
  • Activity 1: Identify different species in Masonbrook using a field guide.
  • Activity 2: Research a species from Masonbrook and present findings to the class.
  • Activity 3: Discuss ways to protect the biodiversity of Masonbrook.
Review the importance of biodiversity and how each child can help protect it. Assess the identifications, presentations, or discussions for understanding of biodiversity.
Lesson 6: Art Inspired by Masonbrook 60 mins Art Supplies, Photos of Masonbrook Discuss how the natural beauty of Masonbrook can inspire art.
  • Activity 1: Draw a landscape of Masonbrook.
  • Activity 2: Create a collage inspired by Masonbrook's biodiversity.
  • Activity 3: Paint a portrait of a notable person from Masonbrook.
Discuss the art created and how it was inspired by Masonbrook. Evaluate the art for creativity and understanding of Masonbrook.