Lesson 1: Exploring Themes of The Borrowers
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Copies of The Borrowers, chart paper, markers
Introduction: Introduce the concept of themes in a story. Discuss with students what themes they think may be present in The Borrowers.
Development: Read a selected chapter together and have students identify themes they notice. Create a chart with themes and examples from the text.
Conclusion: Discuss as a class the main themes found in The Borrowers. Encourage students to think about how themes shape a story.
Assessment: Students will write a short paragraph explaining one theme from the book and how it is shown in the text.
Lesson 2: Writing a Summary of The Borrowers
Time Allocation: 40 minutes
Resources Needed: Copies of The Borrowers, writing paper, pencils
Introduction: Discuss what a summary is and why it is important. Provide an example of a summary.
Development: Students will read a chapter independently and write a summary of the chapter in their own words.
Conclusion: Allow students to share their summaries with the class. Discuss the key elements of a good summary.
Assessment: Collect and review student summaries for understanding of the main events in the chapter.
Lesson 3: Writing a Review of The Borrowers
Time Allocation: 50 minutes
Resources Needed: Copies of The Borrowers, review template handout, markers
Introduction: Explain the purpose of a book review. Show examples of book reviews.
Development: Students will read the entire book and fill out a review template with their thoughts on the characters, plot, and overall impression.
Conclusion: Students will pair up and share their reviews with a partner. Discuss what makes a review persuasive.
Assessment: Review completed review templates for detailed analysis and critical thinking.
Lesson 4: Creating a Story Based on The Borrowers
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Chart paper, markers, writing paper, pencils
Introduction: Discuss with students how authors get inspiration for their stories. Explain that they will be creating their own story based on The Borrowers.
Development: Brainstorm as a class different themes from The Borrowers and have students choose one to base their story on. Students will create a plan for their story including characters, setting, and plot.
Conclusion: Students will write their stories, edit for grammar and punctuation, and then present their stories to the class.
Assessment: Assess student stories based on creativity, adherence to theme, and writing mechanics.