| Lesson 1: Discovering Mary Davis | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Pictures of Mary Davis, biography of Mary Davis, world map | | **Introduction:** Begin by showing pictures of Mary Davis and asking students if they know who she is. Discuss briefly about the importance of learning about inspirational women in history. | | **Development:** Research together as a class about Mary Davis - where and when she lived, and what she is famous for. Discuss findings as a group. | | **Conclusion:** Summarize key points about Mary Davis and encourage students to think about why she is an inspirational woman. | | **Assessment:** Ask students to write down one interesting fact they learned about Mary Davis. | | Lesson 2: Exploring Mary Davis's Contributions | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 50 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Articles about Mary Davis's contributions, art supplies | | **Introduction:** Review what students learned about Mary Davis in the previous lesson. Introduce the concept of contributions to society and culture. | | **Development:** Explore Mary Davis's contributions to society and culture. Discuss the impact she had on her time and how her work has influenced the world. Encourage students to think about their own contributions to society. | | **Conclusion:** Have students create a piece of art inspired by Mary Davis's work or legacy. Allow students to share their creations with the class. | | **Assessment:** Assess students based on their participation in the discussion and the creativity of their art piece. | | Lesson 3: Connecting Mary Davis to Your Life | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 40 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Paper, markers, sticky notes | | **Introduction:** Ask students to reflect on why learning about inspirational women like Mary Davis is important. Discuss the idea of connecting historical figures to our own lives. | | **Development:** Have students brainstorm ways in which they can connect Mary Davis's achievements to their own lives. Encourage them to think about how they can be inspirational in their own communities. | | **Conclusion:** Ask students to share their ideas with the class and discuss the importance of being inspired by historical figures. | | **Assessment:** Evaluate students based on their ability to make connections between Mary Davis's life and their own, and their participation in the class discussion. | | Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Mary Davis's Life | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 60 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Timeline template, images of Mary Davis at different stages of her life | | **Introduction:** Introduce the concept of timelines and explain their importance in understanding historical events and figures. Show examples of timelines. | | **Development:** Guide students in creating a timeline of Mary Davis's life, including important events and achievements. Use images to help visualize different stages of her life. | | **Conclusion:** Have students present their timelines to the class and explain the significance of each event on Mary Davis's life. | | **Assessment:** Assess students based on the accuracy and completeness of their timelines, as well as their ability to explain the significance of each event. | | Lesson 5: Reflecting on Mary Davis's Impact | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Reflection sheets, pens | | **Introduction:** Recap what students have learned about Mary Davis so far. Discuss the impact she had on society and culture. | | **Development:** Have students reflect on Mary Davis's impact and why she is considered an inspirational woman. Encourage them to think about how they can make a positive impact in their own lives. | | **Conclusion:** Ask students to share their reflections with a partner or the class. Discuss the importance of leaving a positive legacy. | | **Assessment:** Evaluate students based on the depth of their reflections and their ability to connect Mary Davis's impact to their own lives. | | Lesson 6: Celebrating Mary Davis | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 50 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Party decorations, snacks, music | | **Introduction:** Set up the classroom with party decorations and explain that today is a celebration of Mary Davis's life and achievements. Play music related to the time period in which she lived. | | **Development:** Have students share what they have learned about Mary Davis and why they find her inspirational. Encourage them to celebrate her contributions through music, dance, or other creative activities. | | **Conclusion:** Enjoy snacks and continue celebrating Mary Davis. Reflect on the importance of honoring inspirational women in history. | | **Assessment:** Assess students based on their participation in the celebration and their ability to articulate why Mary Davis is an inspirational woman. |