| **Lesson 1: Introduction to Mary Cassatt** | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Pictures of Mary Cassatt's artwork, whiteboard, markers | | **Introduction:** Begin by showing pictures of Mary Cassatt's artwork and ask students if they recognize any. Introduce Mary Cassatt as an inspirational woman artist. | | **Development:** Discuss where and when Mary Cassatt lived, and what she is famous for. Have students research and share interesting facts about her life and work. | | **Conclusion:** Summarize key points about Mary Cassatt and her significance in the art world. | | **Assessment:** Ask students to draw a picture inspired by Mary Cassatt's style. | | **Lesson 2: Contributions of Mary Cassatt** | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Books about Mary Cassatt, art supplies | | **Introduction:** Review what students learned about Mary Cassatt in the previous lesson. Discuss the contributions she made to society and culture. | | **Development:** Have students explore Mary Cassatt's artwork and discuss how her work impacted the art world during her time. Encourage a group discussion on how her work continues to influence artists today. | | **Conclusion:** Reflect on the impact Mary Cassatt had on society and culture, and how her work has stood the test of time. | | **Assessment:** Ask students to write a short paragraph about how Mary Cassatt's artwork makes them feel. | | **Lesson 3: Mary Cassatt in My Life** | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Paper, markers, magazines | | **Introduction:** Ask students to think about how Mary Cassatt's artwork relates to their own lives. Discuss the relevance of art in everyday life. | | **Development:** Have students create their own artwork inspired by Mary Cassatt's style. Encourage them to use colors and themes that resonate with them personally. | | **Conclusion:** Share and discuss the students' artwork. Reflect on how Mary Cassatt's work can be connected to their own experiences. | | **Assessment:** Observe students' creativity and expression in their artwork. | | **Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Mary Cassatt's Life** | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Large paper, markers, pictures of Mary Cassatt | | **Introduction:** Explain the concept of a timeline and its importance in understanding historical figures like Mary Cassatt. | | **Development:** Have students work in groups to create a timeline of Mary Cassatt's life, including key events and artworks. Encourage them to be creative in their design. | | **Conclusion:** Present and discuss the timelines created by each group. Compare and contrast the timelines to gain a deeper understanding of Mary Cassatt's life. | | **Assessment:** Evaluate the accuracy and creativity of the timelines created by the students. | | **Lesson 5: Mary Cassatt's Influence on Art Today** | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Internet access, projector, paper, markers | | **Introduction:** Discuss how Mary Cassatt's work continues to influence artists today. Show examples of contemporary artists who have been inspired by her. | | **Development:** Have students research and present on a modern artist who has been influenced by Mary Cassatt. Encourage them to explain how her work has impacted their own artistic style. | | **Conclusion:** Reflect on the lasting legacy of Mary Cassatt and how her influence can be seen in art around the world. | | **Assessment:** Evaluate students' presentations and understanding of how Mary Cassatt's work transcends time. | | **Lesson 6: Reflecting on Mary Cassatt's Legacy** | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Reflection journals, pens | | **Introduction:** Ask students to reflect on what they have learned about Mary Cassatt throughout the previous lessons. Discuss her lasting legacy and impact on the art world. | | **Development:** Have students write a reflection on how Mary Cassatt has inspired them personally, and how they can apply her influence to their own lives. | | **Conclusion:** Share and discuss students' reflections on Mary Cassatt's legacy and the lessons they have learned from studying her life and work. | | **Assessment:** Review students' reflections for insight and understanding of Mary Cassatt's significance. |