| Lesson 1: Discovering Martin Luther King Jr. | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 45 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Pictures of Martin Luther King Jr., books or articles about his life | | **Introduction:** Begin by showing pictures of Martin Luther King Jr. and asking students if they recognize him. Explain that he was a famous historical figure and discuss what they already know about him. | | **Development:** Guide students in researching where and when Martin Luther King Jr. lived, and what he is famous for. Use books or articles to gather information and discuss as a class. | | **Conclusion:** Have students share one interesting fact they learned about Martin Luther King Jr. Wrap up the lesson by emphasizing the importance of learning about historical figures. | | **Assessment:** Students will write a short paragraph summarizing what they learned about Martin Luther King Jr. | | Lesson 2: Exploring Martin Luther King Jr.'s Contributions | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 50 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Videos or documentaries about Martin Luther King Jr., paper and markers | | **Introduction:** Show a short video or read a story about Martin Luther King Jr.'s contributions to society. Discuss the impact he had on his time and how his work has influenced the world. | | **Development:** Divide students into small groups and have them create a poster showcasing one of Martin Luther King Jr.'s contributions. Encourage creativity and collaboration. | | **Conclusion:** Each group presents their poster to the class, explaining the contribution they chose and why it was important. Discuss as a class the collective impact of Martin Luther King Jr.'s work. | | **Assessment:** Evaluate the posters based on creativity, accuracy, and understanding of the contribution. | Lesson 3: Connecting Martin Luther King Jr. to Your Life | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 40 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Paper and pencils | | **Introduction:** Ask students to think about how Martin Luther King Jr.'s values and actions relate to their own lives. Discuss the concept of equality and justice. | | **Development:** Have students write a short reflection on how they can apply Martin Luther King Jr.'s principles in their daily lives. Encourage them to think about ways to promote equality and fairness. | | **Conclusion:** Select a few students to share their reflections with the class. Discuss as a group how each student can make a difference, just like Martin Luther King Jr. did. | | **Assessment:** Review the students' reflections and provide feedback on their understanding of connecting Martin Luther King Jr. to their lives. | | Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Life | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 60 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Paper, markers, pictures of Martin Luther King Jr. at different stages of his life | | **Introduction:** Explain the concept of a timeline and show examples of timelines from other historical figures. Discuss the importance of organizing events in chronological order. | | **Development:** Divide students into pairs and have them create a timeline of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life using the pictures provided. Encourage them to include key events and dates. | | **Conclusion:** Each pair presents their timeline to the class, explaining the significance of each event. Discuss as a group the impact of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life events on his legacy. | | **Assessment:** Evaluate the timelines based on accuracy, completeness, and organization of events. | Lesson 5: Martin Luther King Jr. Quiz | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 30 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Quiz questions about Martin Luther King Jr., whiteboard or projector | | **Introduction:** Explain that students will participate in a quiz about Martin Luther King Jr. to test their knowledge. Review key facts about his life and contributions. | | **Development:** Ask a series of quiz questions related to Martin Luther King Jr., his life, and his impact on society. Encourage active participation and discussion among students. | | **Conclusion:** Review the answers to the quiz questions as a class and discuss any misconceptions or new information learned. Reinforce the importance of understanding historical figures like Martin Luther King Jr. | | **Assessment:** Assess students' responses to the quiz questions and provide feedback on their understanding of Martin Luther King Jr. | | Lesson 6: Artistic Representation of Martin Luther King Jr. | | --- | | **Time Allocation:** 50 minutes | | **Resources Needed:** Art supplies (markers, colored pencils, paper), pictures of Martin Luther King Jr. | | **Introduction:** Show students different artistic representations of Martin Luther King Jr. Discuss the importance of art in expressing ideas and emotions. | | **Development:** Ask students to create their own artistic representation of Martin Luther King Jr. using the art supplies provided. Encourage creativity and personal expression. | | **Conclusion:** Display the students' artwork around the classroom and have each student explain their piece to the class. Discuss the different interpretations and perspectives on Martin Luther King Jr. | | **Assessment:** Evaluate the students' artwork based on creativity, expression, and relevance to Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy. Provide positive feedback and encourage artistic expression. |