Lesson 1 Time: 45 minutes
Resources: Images of Mark Rothko's No. 14, paper, coloring materials
Introduction: Introduce Mark Rothko and his famous work, No. 14. Discuss the use of colors and emotions in his artwork.
Development: Show images of No. 14 and discuss the feelings it evokes. Encourage students to share their thoughts.
Conclusion: Summarize the key points about Mark Rothko and No. 14. Assign a short reflection task for homework.
Assessment: Participation in class discussion, completion of reflection task.
Lesson 2 Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Large sheets of paper, acrylic paints, brushes
Introduction: Review No. 14 and discuss the main art medium Rothko used.
Development: Demonstrate how to create a simple abstract painting using Rothko's style. Allow students to experiment with colors and shapes.
Conclusion: Have students share their creations and discuss what they enjoyed about the process.
Assessment: Creativity in painting, participation in sharing session.
Lesson 3 Time: 45 minutes
Resources: Paper, coloring materials, images of Rothko's work
Introduction: Show an original image inspired by No. 14 and discuss what elements make it reminiscent of Rothko's style.
Development: Encourage students to create their own mini sketches inspired by No. 14, focusing on color and emotion.
Conclusion: Share and discuss the sketches as a group. Reflect on the similarities and differences with Rothko's work.
Assessment: Creativity in sketches, participation in discussion.
Lesson 4 Time: 60 minutes
Resources: Canvases, acrylic paints, brushes, easels
Introduction: Review previous lessons and discuss the process of creating a larger painting inspired by No. 14.
Development: Allow students to work on their larger paintings, focusing on color blending and layering.
Conclusion: Arrange a gallery walk where students can display and discuss their paintings with classmates.
Assessment: Completion of painting, participation in gallery walk.