Lesson 1: Introduction to Mark Chagall and The Birthday
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Images of Mark Chagall's work, specifically The Birthday
Introduction: Introduce Mark Chagall to the students, explaining his style and show them The Birthday.
Development: Discuss The Birthday in detail, focusing on the colors, shapes, and themes used by Chagall.
Conclusion: Ask students what they find interesting about The Birthday and what they think the painting represents.
Assessment: Have students draw or write one thing they learned about Mark Chagall and The Birthday.
Lesson 2: Exploring Chagall's Main Art Medium
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Watercolor paints, brushes, paper
Introduction: Discuss the main art medium Chagall is known for - watercolor painting.
Development: Demonstrate watercolor techniques and have students create their own watercolor inspired by The Birthday.
Conclusion: Have students share their watercolor paintings and discuss what they enjoyed about working with watercolors.
Assessment: Evaluate students based on their use of colors and creativity in their watercolor paintings.
Lesson 3: Creating an Original Image Inspired by The Birthday
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Colored pencils, paper
Introduction: Show examples of original images inspired by The Birthday.
Development: Have students sketch and color their own original image inspired by The Birthday, focusing on elements that stood out to them.
Conclusion: Encourage students to share their images and discuss what elements they included to make it inspired by The Birthday.
Assessment: Assess students based on their creativity and ability to connect their image to The Birthday.
Lesson 4: Painting Inspired by The Birthday
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Acrylic paints, canvas or heavy paper, brushes
Introduction: Review The Birthday and discuss the painting process.
Development: Have students create their own painting inspired by The Birthday using acrylic paints.
Conclusion: Allow students to present their paintings in an interesting way, such as creating a mini art gallery in the classroom.
Assessment: Evaluate students based on their use of colors, brush strokes, and interpretation of The Birthday in their painting.