Lesson 1: Introduction to Marie Laveau
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Pictures of Marie Laveau, map of New Orleans
Introduction: Show pictures of Marie Laveau and locate New Orleans on the map.
Development: Discuss with students where and when Marie Laveau lived, and her significance in history.
Conclusion: Ask students to share one interesting fact they learned about Marie Laveau.
Assessment: Have students draw a picture of Marie Laveau.
Lesson 2: Contributions of Marie Laveau
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Books or articles about Marie Laveau
Introduction: Review what students learned about Marie Laveau in Lesson 1.
Development: Explore Marie Laveau's contributions to society and culture, and discuss her impact on her time.
Conclusion: Have students create a mini poster highlighting Marie Laveau's contributions.
Assessment: Discuss in groups how Marie Laveau's work has influenced the world.
Lesson 3: Connecting Marie Laveau to Students' Lives
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Paper, markers
Introduction: Ask students to think about ways they can connect to Marie Laveau.
Development: Have students discuss how Marie Laveau's actions relate to their own lives.
Conclusion: Students share their reflections on the connection between Marie Laveau and themselves.
Assessment: Write a short paragraph on how they can make a positive impact like Marie Laveau.
Lesson 4: Designing a Timeline of Marie Laveau's Life
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Large paper, markers, pictures of Marie Laveau
Introduction: Discuss the importance of timelines in understanding someone's life.
Development: Have students work in groups to create a timeline of Marie Laveau's life.
Conclusion: Each group presents their timeline to the class.
Assessment: Evaluate the accuracy and creativity of the timelines.
Lesson 5: Marie Laveau's Impact on Society
Time Allocation: 45 minutes
Resources Needed: Articles, videos about Marie Laveau's impact
Introduction: Recap students on Marie Laveau's contributions.
Development: Discuss the impact Marie Laveau had on society and culture during her time.
Conclusion: Reflect on how society has been influenced by Marie Laveau's work.
Assessment: Write a short paragraph on the impact of Marie Laveau on society.
Lesson 6: Marie Laveau's Legacy
Time Allocation: 60 minutes
Resources Needed: Art supplies, pictures of Marie Laveau
Introduction: Discuss what legacy means and how it relates to Marie Laveau.
Development: Have students create a piece of art inspired by Marie Laveau's legacy.
Conclusion: Share and discuss the art pieces created by the students.
Assessment: Evaluate creativity and connection to Marie Laveau's legacy in the art pieces.