Lesson 1: History of Malahide Co. Dublin | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |----------------|------------------|-------------|------------|-----------|------------| | 45 Minutes | History books, Internet access | Discuss the origin of Malahide's name, "Mullach Íde" meaning "the hill of Íde" or "Íde's sand-hill" | Activity 1: Research the history of Malahide and its name. Activity 2: Write a short story about the origin of the name. Activity 3: Draw a picture representing the meaning of the name. | Recap the history and meaning of Malahide's name | Check understanding through Q&A and review of written work | Lesson 2: Notable Person - James Caulfeild, 1st Earl of Charlemont | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |----------------|------------------|-------------|------------|-----------|------------| | 45 Minutes | Biography books, Internet access | Introduce James Caulfeild, 1st Earl of Charlemont, a notable person from the area | Activity 1: Research about his life and achievements. Activity 2: Write a biography about him. Activity 3: Create a timeline of his life. | Recap his contributions and his significance to the area | Check understanding through Q&A and review of written work | Lesson 3: Geography of Malahide Co. Dublin | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |----------------|------------------|-------------|------------|-----------|------------| | 45 Minutes | Maps, Internet access | Discuss the geographical features of Malahide | Activity 1: Identify and label the geographical features on a map. Activity 2: Group discussion on how these features might have influenced life in Malahide. Activity 3: Draw your own map of the area. | Recap key geographical features of the area | Review maps and discussion points | Lesson 4: Mapping Skills | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |----------------|------------------|-------------|------------|-----------|------------| | 45 Minutes | Maps, compass, ruler | Teach basic mapping skills | Activity 1: Use a compass and ruler to draw their own map of the school. Activity 2: Use online maps to explore Malahide. Activity 3: Create a treasure map of Malahide. | Recap mapping skills | Check maps and understanding of mapping skills | Lesson 5: Biodiversity and Conservation | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |----------------|------------------|-------------|------------|-----------|------------| | 45 Minutes | Internet access, eco-friendly materials | Introduce the concept of biodiversity and its importance | Activity 1: Research local biodiversity. Activity 2: Discuss ways to protect the environment. Activity 3: Create a poster or flyer promoting conservation. | Recap biodiversity and conservation | Review discussion points and posters | Lesson 6: Visual Arts Inspired by Malahide | Time Allocation | Resources Needed | Introduction | Development | Conclusion | Assessment | |----------------|------------------|-------------|------------|-----------|------------| | 45 Minutes | Art supplies | Discuss how local areas can inspire art | Activity 1: Sketch a local landmark. Activity 2: Create a collage of Malahide using recycled materials. Activity 3: Paint a landscape of the area. | Display artwork and discuss inspiration | Review artwork and understanding of the connection between art and place |